23. Holiday Break

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Professor McGonagall and Hagrid waved goodbye just as Hogwarts Express starts to leave. "See you all in 3 weeks! Have a good holiday everyone!" A lot of students are returning home for the holiday break this year. Only 20% of the students, which includes Dallas, Margaret and Eleanor, are staying at Hogwarts and the rest are here at the train, on the way back to Kings Cross Station.

Here at our compartment, we have myself, Roxanne, Nina and Colleen but also Fred, Seth and Lupin across from us, who claims that they were the last ones to get on the train and there were no more compartments left. We are all squished in one compartment, all 7 of us. James must have gone with his 1st year friends so he's not with his squad.

"So darling, are you going to visit me during the break?" Lupin grinned, lightly kicking my feet with his own, since he's right across from me.

"Probably not. Especially because you almost made us lose against Slytherin 2 days ago!" Everyone in the team apart from Fred, were angry at Lupin for not catching the golden snitch during the Quidditch match. We won thanks to the chasers who scored enough points. The Slytherin team's seeker caught the snitch but we won, though only by 30 points. Flint had to talk to Lupin after that game and I can't even imagine the speech he received from the enraged captain.

"It was one time!" He defended. "And we didn't lose."

"Thanks to Roxanne we didn't lose." Nina scoffs. "What was going through your head, boy? I was watching and you did look a little lost in your own little world."

"Nothing." He shrugs, looking out the window.

Either way, I'm probably going to be seeing Lupin over the break, whether I like it or not. Being best friends with Seth means he will be going to our house, Seth will be going to his house and me going with him, or when I visit Roxanne at the burrow and he'll be there. I just can't seem to get away from him.

"If I do visit you though, if only, you should also invite Armando Flores." I added, throwing Lupin one of the small candies I've been eating. "And cheesecakes and kittens."

Lupin rolled his eyes before chuckling. "Got it."

Nina sighed. "You're all lucky you can just use a floo powder or have a flying car or have someone apparate with you so you can visit each other. I'm going to be all the way in Texas with no magic at all. I mean, it's great but still, I can't visit any of you." She pouted. "But when we get back though, I'll give you all a souvenir from Texas."

"We can visit you if you want." Colleen suggested. "I've never been to Texas and I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind."

"Same." Roxanne and I replied in unison, making Nina smile wider.

"Great! Just send me a letter when you want to come and I'll plan something." She clapped excitedly. "You'll love it there."

"Are you girls going to ride bulls and shoot people and dress like those cowboys from the films?" Fred raised a brow. "Because if you are, I want to come also!"

Seth nodded and raised his hand. "Me too!"

"Same!" Lupin gasped. "We would be like those cool cowboys!"

"We don't actually -- " Nina furrowed her eyebrows. "Never mind."


Sometime in the middle of the train trip, Colleen left to be with Lowell for a while, Seth, Nina and Fred had fallen asleep and Roxanne is lost in a book called Red Queen. Lupin is listening to music on full blast and I've ran out of sweets to eat. This whole time, I just look out the window and watch the view of the scenes we pass by.

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