Chapter 3

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Amey78's pov

The next day, Abigail make breakfast for her brothers and water the plants as she was wearing a blue jacket with a pink sweetheart tube top. A bright red scarf wrap around her hips with black leggings and brown high thigh boots. She wore too, the sliver bracers that was given by her grandfather. She sigh while seeing the flowers bloom. "It would be good if I have roses here" she talks with herself before hearing the neighing. She turn around and seeing her black horse Hayden running towards her. Abigail him while he neighs and whines. "Hayden, where's Dad? Where's Dad?" She asked while Hayden whines and snorted which she sense that something happen to him. She back at her house as knowing she can't take long or her father would be dead by now.

She knew this will be by her own now. "Take me to him, Hayden" she said as take a black hood cape, puts it on and hop into Hayden which he start running towards the forest. Abigail holds tightly on Hayden as they enter to the winter domain of the Beast itself. Abigail was shocked that there was a castle and that anyone didn't knew about it. After all, she lived there for two years. Hayden drop her in front of the stairs of the castle before she open the door. "Dad? Hello? Where are you" she searchs which the candelabra and shelf clocks named Soren and Esther notice her which they start whispering. "A girl? What's she doing here?"

"She the one, little sis"


"The one who will breaks the curse" Soren soon said which Abigail turn around which they stay still like housewares. She was confused since she swore that she heard something. She soon heard the whines which look at the hallways that lead to the tower dungeons. "Dad!?" She nearly shouted which she start running towards it. She was filled with worries as Soren and Esther follow her while she was climbing to the stair way. She grabs the nearby torch as walks into the tower dungeons. "Dad!? Dad? Where are you?" She spoke very loader which she soon heard her father's voice that she turn around and seeing her father in a cold cell and looked sickly.

She drop the torch as she rushing towards him in pure worry. "Dad, what happen with you? Who done this to you?" She in worrily before he grabs her hand and hold it tightly. "Abigail, you must get out of here! This castle is curse! You must leave quickly before he find you!" He whisper shouted which Abigail look at him in confused. "Who?" She asked before hearing the growls and roars which she turn around and seeing dark tall figure far upstairs. Barak grip her hand tightly and protective while she stand there. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The figure asked that sounds like man but harshly and intimidating way. Abigail stand in nervous but with no fear as being brave and strong.

"I come here for my Dad! He needs me!" She nearly shouted which the figure grunts and before going to the other place of the stairs. "Your father is a thief! He stole rose from my garden! This is his punishment!!!" He spanned harshly with a fierce growls. Abigail was shocked and felt responsible for asking him for the rose. She had seal his fate. "He didn't mean it! I was the one who asked him for the rose! If anyone who's  responsible is me, take me in his place!" She nearly shouted which Barak shouted 'no' which the figure looks at her in some shocked. Barak beg her to leave and not trying to give her life away for his. "You rather take your father's place than leaving?" He asked before jumping towards her which he stay in the shadows. Abigail was curious why he haven't come out or show himself.

"Come out to light" she said which the figure grunts as Abigail grab the candelabra that was Soren and reavealing the mysterious figure. It was pure-blood demon beast which he was well built. He has demonic black marks that resembles flames on his body even on his face. Demonic like claws on his hands to forearms as well, his foot that resembles lion's feets. He has a white messy hair that was long as passes his shoulder blades. His eyes were dark deep red like the color of the roses while his scleras were pitch black and have a pair of black horns on his head. He wore a black rip cape with no shirt as well, dark gray bottoms. Abigail gasp in shocked while the Beast stare at her coldly. "Take your father's place or get out" he harshly said which Barak grabs her hand as she looked at him.

"Abigail please don't do this. I already lived my life which was a blessing. You have take care of your brothers for me, please lived your life while I'm here" he begged which Abigail look at the beast before sighing as take a step. "I will take his place" "Done" he said which he open the door of the jail as Barak ran to his daughter and hold her. "Abigail, please don't this. I lost your Mom and I can't lose you too" he begged desperately as Abigail push him away and went in the cell as close it harsh. The beast soon grabs Barak from the collar and start dragging him to the stairs. "Please! Be gentle with him! Don't hurt him!" Abigail nearly shouted while hearing him whines and whimpers. "ABIGAIL!!!" He shouted as Abigail soon sat down on the ground, next to the wall.

She brings her knees to her chest and hugs her legs before putting her head down. While with the beast, he soon throw Barak in the magical wagon and close it with a slam. "Please! Don't take her away! She's still eighteen years old! Please don't take her away from us!" Barak begged load as the beast growls harshly at him. "That isn't your responsibility anymore. She's mine now" the beast growls at him before the wagon start moving as taking him to Magdalena Town. Barak shouts while tbe beast enter his castle before slammed the door close. Abigail thought she was going to be alone in abandon castle but what she didn't know was that...

This castle wasn't filled alone.

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