Happily Ever After

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Amey78's pov

Four-months later, it was the beginning of the springs which roses and cherry blossoms boom through the Kingdom and the village. It's was beautiful which become quite special for our Beauty and her Beast Prince. It was the day of their wedding which everyone was in their happy hour. "Thanks, brother for making this cake for Prince Damien and Lady Abigail...well, Princess Beauty now. I can't believe he purposes her after a week she turns nineteen" Soren soon said which his older brother Klaus laughs while everyone was dancing and talking about the beautiful bride and the husband groom. After all, Abigail broke the curse and everyone who lived in the castle was free. 

"You two, what are you doing here in dessert area? Come on and dance instead, setting up the table for the bride and groom" Layla soon come with a bit disbelief mood which Soren told her that it's his job as the Majordomo to prepare everything for the wedding ball. "Yeah but Draco already set it up since I place him as the Head Chef for the wedding and the ball. Besides, Rachel did say something about meet me at Office 8" Layla soon said which Soren soon run out of the ball while Layla and Klaus were holding their laugh before Esther join them. "When he find out that you lie to him. I can't wait unlit I see the look of his face. Is going to be super funny" Esther chuckles as Klaus and Layla laugh before Soren return with a annoyed face towards them.

"Sometimes, I hate you being my sister in law. Oh, that's Rachel. I got to go~" he soon run fast which Esther rolled her before Barak soon come with a formal black suit and a dark blue tie matches the color of his eyes. "I represents you, the Demon Prince Damien of Asher and the Princess Abigail Christian of Nazareth" Barak introduced as Damien and Abigail soon come in as just newlyweds. Damien was wearing the same ballroom's attire when he wore when he and Abigail dance. Abigail in the other hand, was wearing a white wedding pink floral gown and white translucent sleeves along with white heels. Her hair was tie into a bun neat but majority of it trails down her neck in beautiful way. Everyone bow as cheering and clapping for new married couple. Damien and Abigail come down as Abigail soon notice Venus who was smilling towards them.

"Vee, I glad that you could come and-...who's that?" Abigail asked as there was a person next to Venus. The person was a very beautiful and youthful woman of slender frame and very fair skin. She has a long snow white hair with long slit bangs that passes her chest, icy blue eyes with long eyeslashes. She was wearing a white shoulder-off dress with slit in front. She has light blue patterned snowflakes around her shoulderline and diamond shaped crystals that does to her chest down to her waist. She also has light blue leggings, white translucent cape that have spilt at the bottom as resembled fairy's wings.  Also, wearing white open-toe flats. "Oh, this is my little sister Chione. She's the Goddess of Snow and Winter. Chione come with me since she need to get out of her Winter Realm lot" she said which the couple nods.

"Wow, I understand now why my sister likes to talk with you. You're a very kind person with a heart made out of gold" Chione soon said which some male servants who were single fall down by her soft voice. Abigail and her end up talking while her brothers and twins were just talking. "Geez, being fourteen forever as a teacup. You girls don't have any boyfriends or dates? God have mercy with you two" Israel soon said which Astrid and Luna nods before Melissa and her husband along with their band start playing music and singing. Everyone is start dancing as Israel and Matthew went dancing with their gilfriends. Raul was dancing with his girlfriend Andrea Lovett. Astrid and Luna sigh along with Esther who quite of boring.

"Um, pardon me. Can you give me this dance with you?" Esther soon turn around and seeing a handsome young prince from the Kingdom of Reynolds. He was tall, handsome, orange gringer color hair and have amethyst eyes. Esther was shock before she take his hand and lead her to the dance floor. "Wow, Aunt Esther did find her Prince Charming. Lucky girl" Astrid soon said before Luna laugh as their parents take their girls to dance with them. Luna was about to join but she soon got into a dance of white haired and striking blue eyes teenage who was taller. She was amazed by his eyes. "Hi, I'm Jack Frost" "I'm Luna" she soon said. Abigail was dancing with her new husband which Damien asked her what she's thinking.

"Haven't you thought growing your hair longer?" She asked which he growls which Abigail laugh as he pulled her into a passionate kiss before dancing again.

Love is beautiful. Love doesn't have to perfect or royal...it's have to true and wonderful in many ways. And they live...

Happily Ever After
The End.

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