What this is exactly, in even more detail You should probably read

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So basically I like a lot of ships that aren't always popular. Like for example Kenshirou and Musashi isn't very popular because the anime it's in is underrated. Then I also like Jae-ha and Shin-ah but one Jae-ha and Kija is more popular and the anime is once again underrated. (Ps some ships in here might of been underrated at one point and that's why it's here or I just couldn't find a fanfic i like so stfu if it's actually popular, I say this with love<3)

So I decided to make a one shot dedicated to all my favorite ships. So this will include lots of different ships and fandoms.

No I'm not doing x the reader. There probably only going to be one time I do x an Oc. And lastly I'm NOT DOING REQUESTS. This is just for me too share stories of ships I like. I might accept ideas for a ship if I've already done it in this.

If you don't like a ship just go past it, no need to comment and waste your time. On the title chapters I've been so helpful to have the names of who characters are being shipped along with the fandom or their shipping name.

Cussing is a thing in this you crusty croissants so sorry not sorry. 

Another thing, at the beginning of each chapter I'll give you guys a heads up on what time of one shot it is. How long it is and if it's angsty, fluffy, etc. Some of the shots will be severely longer than other ones.

Also not everything will completely logic so leave it alone. I'm literally a squirrel that ends up adding a bunch of stuff I wasn't going to intentionally add so just go with it.

There won't be any of the nasty in my book either so yeah sorry, I'm too awkward for that. <—-(Ahem might change this for like one ship)

Last thing occasionally at the end of every chapter I'll have what the idea was exactly like a short paragraph and stuff. Then guys can get maybe get a better grounding of the concept of the shot or just get more confused it could go either way honestly. I'm also only putting those if I think the way I wrote it was a little funny so yeah.


One shots of underrated shipsWhere stories live. Discover now