3 am.

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A single doorbell jerked me out of my sunlit dreams to face the blindness of the winter night. The doorbell was repeated. I groaned at the futility of humans as I pulled the blanket to the side and got up. As I cracked my bedroom door open, I saw my parents in the hallway looking almost as annoyed as me. My eyes struggled to keep up with my sudden awakening as my father answered the door.

I glanced at the clock. What ? 3 am ? Who was insane enough to wake us up at 3 am ? The answer to that question came soon enough as I saw the security of our apartment standing at the door. All of it was a midnight haze. Mother and father talked to the man at our door intensely, the sleep from their eyes gone.

Was something wrong ? I was too asleep to ask. So I waited.. But the the reply I received was a highly unsatisfactory few words - Girl above us jumped, body down, must see. With that and none of it explained, my parents left, locking the door behind them.

I was left standing in the middle of our dimly lit hall, head in my palm, wondering how I was to go to sleep, with a news like that, in an empty house, at 3 am.

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