One summer with One Direction

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  • Dedicated to Rahah Hadri

I am so pissed. I had a bad day. My alarm clock didn't ring, I was late for school, I didn't eat any breakfast, I left my social studies report at home and I got a detention. And it didn't make it any better when my dad called me to tell me that our neighbour, the Styles are coming over for dinner to welcome Harry back. He has been away for the past few months, performing with his band, One Direction, for their world tour.

            Mr and Mrs Styles are fine. I just hate their son, Harry. And everyone thinks that I am crazy. Because why would a teenage girl hate Harry Styles from One Direction?

            I have plenty of reasons.

            I would never forgive him for doing that stupid thing that lead to my breaking up with my boyfriend, Matt.

            It's only 3pm, which means I have about 4 hours before the dinner. I decided to get ready first just in case I don't have time after preparing dinner. I took a shower and raided my cupboard, choosing a dress. I decided to wear my pale pink knee-length dress. I put on the dress and put on some make-up. Not too much, just some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. I let my light brown hair down. I went downstairs, only to see Harry lounging in our living room.

            "What are you doing here, Harry?" I asked, annoyed by the presence of him.

            "I got an invitation for a dinner. Here." he answered.

            "Dinner is at 7. It's only 4. Go. Back." I gritted my teeth.

            "I came to help you. Since your mummy left you." He realised his mistake a second too late.

            Tears threaten to spill. He knows well enough not to bring up my mum. She left me and my dad a few years ago, when I was 12. Didn't hear for her ever since, except when she called me to inform me that she is getting married. I hated her for leaving me just like that. I had to survive the pain and take over the responsibilities at the same time.

            "Mel, I am sorry." He touched my cheeks, his voice softer.

            "It's nothing." I walk to the kitchen, leaving him behind.

            I decided to cook a pasta dish and salad. And for desert, I'm just going to serve some ice cream. There's not enough time to prepare a proper desert anyways.

            My pasta dish is almost ready. I added some salt and pepper and turn off the fire. I turn around to grab the serving dish on the counter, only to find my face slamming into Harry's chest.

            "Harry, get out of my way. I am honestly annoyed with you and I don't can't to see your face, ever again in my life. I am so sick and tired of you," I said.

            He looked shocked, but he quickly compose himself and went to the living room.

            I prepare the salad and set the table. It's just 5.30. Still plenty of time before the dinner. Enough time for me to watch a couple of recorded episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashian. I went to the living room and sat on the couch. Harry is still there, texting someone on his phone. I ignored him, switched on the TV and started my Keeping Up With The Kardashian marathon.

            I was halfway through the first episode when I felt Harry is staring at me. I look at him and he was staring at me. He noticed that I noticed him staring at me, and he started blushing. He was about to say something when my dad barged in.

            "Hey dad," I got up and hugged him.

            "Hey honey."

            "How are you, Mr Mecja?" Harry asked, shaking my dad's hands.

            "Good," he turned to me. "I'm going to change for the dinner. Is everything set?"

            I nodded.

            A few minutes later, Mr and Mrs Styles came. we went to the dining room to have our dinner. I was seated next to Harry, as usual. After dessert, the adults moved to the living room to talk and drink. As I am washing the dishes, Harry came and hugged my waist from the back.

            "Harry, let go," I said in a stern voice.

            He didn't say anything. instead, he took the dishwashing sponge from my hand and place it aside. he turned on the tap and rinsed my hands.

            "I know you are tired. I'll do the rest."

            "It's okay. I can do it."I snapped.

            "No, I'll do it."

            I am tired of arguing with Harry, so I went upstairs. I lay down on my bed without changing first. Harry's words keep on replaying in my mind. It really hurt me. I'm here to help you. Since your mummy left you. Unconsciously, tears spilled. I realised that I missed my mum. No matter how angry I am with her, it can't stop me from loving her.

            "Mel? Why are you crying? Is it because of what I say?" Harry is standing in front of me. I should've locked my door.

            I shake my head in response of his question. Harry sat on my bed and hug me. for the first time since the Incident, I allow him to hug me. I realised how much I miss a hug. after my mum left, there was Matt. But this past few months, since the Incident, I'm lonely.


Hi guys! I hope you like it. Please comment and vote:)

xoxoxo, nadhirahali

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