Chapter Twenty-Seven: Manipulated

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Cesc cursed as he got off the phone with his lawyer, he wasn’t pleased with what he had been told but he wasn’t going to give Lia back; he didn’t believe that Daniella was the right choice for his daughter.

Cesc hadn’t been surprised that Daniella was accusing him of abducting Lia, she was threatening to sue and Elie was backing her right now since he knew that it would hurt the footballer; something that set Cesc on edge.

Penelope looked up from her place where she was feeding Lia, she knew that Cesc was stressed but it was a week before Christmas and she wanted him to relax.

“Is everything okay?” Penelope asked turning her attention back to Lia, she smiled at the little girl that had recovered so well from her ear infection.

Cesc looked at his girlfriend, he knew that she was concerned and he didn’t blame her; they were looking at going to court to keep Lia and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

“Fine,” Cesc said not wanting to worry Penelope more than he needed to, he was sure that he could handle the latest hurdle that Daniella had thrown at him.

Penelope eyed her boyfriend concerned, she knew that things were far from fine and considering Cesc was in constant contact with his lawyer; something was clearly going on and she didn’t like it.

“I have to meet with my lawyer… Daniella wants to talk,” Cesc grumbled watching Penelope with Lia, he didn’t want to go but he wished to have this sorted before it reached court; he didn’t need that sort of publicity and he wished that Daniella would just back down.

Penelope slowly nodded her head, she didn’t trust Daniella and she was sure that the Lebanese had some dirty plan up her sleeve to get what she wanted.

Cesc gave Penelope a light kiss, he wanted nothing more than to relax but he was sure that it wouldn’t be long until he had full custody.


“Cesc,” Daniella purred looking at her former fiancé as he walked into the conference room, his lawyer was already seated and she was hopeful that they could work this out; she wanted her daughter to come home.

Cesc ignored Daniella, he had nothing to say to her and he wasn’t going to let her think that she would get away with what she had done; he was determined to have full custody.

Daniella frowned watching Cesc, she had never see him like this before and she didn’t like it; she was sure that he would have calmed down after what had happened two weeks ago.

“Shall we get down to business?” Cesc’s lawyer asked, he wasn’t surprised that they were back to talking about this and he was sure his client would win this time even if it had to go to court.

Cesc nodded his head, he wanted to get home to Penelope and Lia; he missed his girls even if he knew that he had to sort this out.

“Give Lia back or I’ll be talking with the police,” Daniella said not even looking at the lawyer that Elie had given her; she knew Elie didn’t care what happened with the infant as long as Cesc was hurt in the process.

Cesc rolled his eyes, he knew that Daniella wouldn’t go through with it especially if she didn’t want people to hear that she had neglected her youngest child.

“Not going to happen… you can do what you want Daniella, but Lia is staying with me,” Cesc said firmly, there was nothing that his former fiancée could do that would hurt him; he didn’t care what she had planned especially since he wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction.

Daniella pursed her lips, a small smile building knowing that he hadn’t figured it out; she didn’t have to hurt him to get what she wanted.

“Give Lia back or I tell the police your girlfriend abducted her,” Daniella said smugly, she was sure that Cesc wouldn’t risk things with Penelope; he clearly loved the brunette and she hoped it would be enough to manipulate him.

Cesc glared at Daniella, he couldn’t believe that she was threatening to hurt Penelope to get to him; he didn’t believe that she could be so heartless to do it.

“Don’t bring her into this, this is between us,” Cesc said through gritted teeth, he looked at his lawyer knowing that he wasn’t going to back down; he would do anything for his daughter and Penelope knew that Lia came first for him.

Daniella smirked, she tapped her red painted nails on the wooden desk bored and she wondered how long it would take for Cesc to realise that he wouldn’t be going home to his girlfriend.

Cesc felt a horrible feeling build in his stomach, the look on Daniella’s face telling him that something bad was about to happen; he looked at her lawyer hoping someone would tell him what he was missing.

“What have you done Daniella?” Cesc asked feeling ill, she looked to smug and he hated to think what the Lebanese might have done to get back at him.

Daniella looked at her lawyer who only nodded his head, she was sure that it would be too late by now for Cesc to stop what was happening.

“Just what I said I would do,” Daniella replied shrugging making the colour drain from Cesc’s face, she watched as he jumped to his feet and rushed out of the room realising what she had done.


Penelope frowned walking towards her front door, she blinked confused at the sight of the two police officers through the stain glass window; she slowly opened the door wondering if everything was okay.

Lia was settled on the brunette’s hip, she played with her hair and chatted happily until she saw the police officers; she buried her head into Penelope’s neck shyly.

“Is there something wrong officers?” Penelope asked concerned, she hoped that everything was okay and she dreaded to think that something might have happened to her parents or Cesc.

Penelope watched as they looked between them before they turned to look at her, neither of them looked pleased with being outside of her home and it made her worry.

“Penelope Danes?” the officer on the left said, he watched Penelope wandering why she looked so confused about why they were here; he had felt a little odd when the call had come in.

“Yes… that’s me,” Penelope said with a nod of her head, she had been about to settle Lia down for her nap before the knock on the door had come.

Penelope tightened her grip a little on Lia as she spotted a woman from social services waiting just a little away from the door; her heart pounded in her chest as she started to realise that something was very wrong.

“I’m afraid you are under arrest for the abduction of Lia Fàbregas Semaan,” the officer informed Penelope, he slowly moved to take the toddler from her and he was relieved that she didn’t offer up much of a fight.

Penelope opened and closed her mouth in shock as the officer walked away from her with Lia in his arms while his partner moved to handcuff her; she couldn’t believe that this was happening.

Slowly Penelope was taken to the police car and placed inside just as Cesc’s car raced down the drive way; she watched as he jumped out of the car and moved towards her only to be restrained.

Penelope looked away, she didn’t have to guess to know that Elie and Daniella were behind her arrest.

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