Chapter Twenty-Nine: Elie's Prison Visit

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Penelope raised an eyebrow as Elie walked towards her, she was surprised to see him and she was sure that was her counter case against him and Daniella.

Penelope had expected the visit to be from Daniella since Cesc was busy speaking with his lawyers; she didn’t put it past the woman to try and rub it in that this had happened.

“You must be Penelope,” Elie stated moving to sit down across from the brunette, he had come to try and get her to drop the charges and he hoped to clear up the mess that Daniella had made out of all of this.

Penelope raised an eyebrow, she doubted that he had come to be friendly and she was sure that he had wasn’t going to waste time talking nonsense with her; she wasn’t going to change her mind on her counter case.

“I guess there is no need for small talk here,” Elie mused watching Penelope, she wasn’t what he had expected and he was a little surprised that Cesc had settled for someone like her when he’d had someone like Daniella.

Elie was sure that the footballer had chosen wisely if Penelope was as head strong as she seemed; he didn’t want to be involved with what was going on with Daniella any longer.

“What will it take for you to drop your case against me?” Elie asked needing to make sure that Daniella’s stupid act wouldn’t cost him everything; he was only here to protect himself and his children, they didn’t deserve what was happening to them right now.

“Aren’t you worried about me suing Daniella?” Penelope queried, her brown eyes watched Elie wondering why he hadn’t included his girlfriend in that statement.

Penelope was sure that he would do anything to protect Daniella, he seemed wrapped around her finger like Cesc had been; she felt a little bad for him since he didn’t deserve how he was treated by the Lebanese.

“No… I’m cutting my loses with that one,” Elie replied thinking of what he planned to do when he had finished with Penelope, he would be going home to throw Daniella out; the woman was nothing more than trouble.

Elie was tired of her antics and he knew that he had to start thinking of Maria and Joseph, he hadn’t been the best father to them but he would do better when their mother wasn’t messing with his head.

“Name your price… I’ll speak to my lawyer to drop Daniella’s charges against you,” Elie offered, he didn’t need her counter case reaching court and he hoped to nip it in the bud before Penelope had the chance to do damage to his impending business deal.

Penelope stared at Elie, her mind trying to think of what she could do to make this an advantage to her; she needed to make sure that this wouldn’t bite her on the ass later.

“I want full custody of Lia for Cesc,” Penelope said crossing her arms, it was a start and she knew it wouldn’t be easy however, she also knew that without Elie supporting her Daniella would never win full custody.

Daniella didn’t deserve to have her daughter all the time and her last attempt had proven that she couldn’t really care for Lia; the little girl had been ill and her mother hadn’t noticed.

“Done,” Elie agreed without hesitation, he wasn’t going to be letting Daniella take Maria and Joseph so he was sure that getting Cesc full custody wouldn’t hurt.

Elie didn’t care what the footballer did as long as he was able to make this little mess go away; he had so much on the line right now and he didn’t want anything to ruin it.


Cesc blinked confused as he got off the phone with his lawyer, he was stunned to find out that full custody had been granted to him; he had no idea what had happened but he was thankful.

Cesc had planned to go and visit Penelope that afternoon, he’d been in meetings all morning with his lawyer to try and sort this out but it had all been solved by itself.

Cesc ran a hand through his hair, he was just waiting on the paperwork to arrive and then everything would be sorted, he wondered for a moment what had happened to make Daniella back down.

“Looks like you’re here to stay,” Cesc grinned moving to pick Lia up and press a kiss to her cheek, he held his daughter close knowing that in a couple of days it would be Christmas and there was still no sign that Penelope would be home.

Cesc was angry that Daniella had sunk so low and he hoped that this wouldn’t carry on much longer now that he had full custody, he knew Daniella would have visitation but he hoped she wouldn’t cause any more trouble.

“What shall we do for Christmas?” Cesc whispered, he didn’t want to celebrate without Penelope but he knew that she would want him to no matter what.

Lia pouted looking up at her father, she cuddled into his arms and kissed his cheek; she could see that he was upset and she hoped that he would be happy.

Cesc smiled a little, he would do anything to have Penelope home for Christmas and he wasn’t sure what more he could do; the entire situation was a mess and he hoped that they could fix this.

Moving into the living room, Cesc stared at the Christmas tree and closed his eyes knowing that this wasn’t how he had wanted to spend his first Christmas back in London.

Penelope should be with him not locked away in some cell for something that she hadn’t done; she was going to be away for Christmas if she wasn’t released soon.


“You can’t do this to me, I am the mother of your children,” Daniella screamed continuing to pack her things into her bags, she couldn’t believe that Elie was throwing her out.

She had come home from her morning of meetings with Cesc and then some shopping to find Elie speaking with his lawyer; she had been shocked when she had realised that he was pulling out of helping her.

“I can and I have Daniella,” Elie replied bored of her behaviour, he had sent the children out for the afternoon while their mother packed up her things.

Elie had kept his promise to Penelope and arranged for Cesc to be given full custody, he was just waiting for the news of the brunette’s release; he was finally doing what he should have done from the beginning.

“You’ll regret this,” Daniella spat, she had been horrified to learn that Cesc had been given full custody of Lia and even more when she learnt that Elie had full custody of Maria and Joseph.

None of this had gone to plan and Daniella didn’t like it, she had lost out and she wanted people to pay for that; she doubted that Penelope would be in prison for much longer as well.

“I don’t think I will… I should have done this years ago when you left me for Fàbregas,” Elie explained smiling, he had known that when Daniella had first cheated on him that his children would become pawns to her to drain him of money.

Elie regretted taking her back and he had only really done it to teach Cesc a lesson, he wanted the footballer to suffer for helping hurt him and that was what he had done.

“You have an hour to be out of here Daniella… or I’ll have security chuck you out,” Elie said firmly, he wasn’t going to allow her to think that he was going to change her mind and he hoped that she wouldn’t make a fool out of herself.


Author's Note:

I just realised that there are only two more chapters left of this story... OMG how quick did that go? 

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