Chapter Fourteen: Darkness of the Night

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You were in your room, packing a duffel bag of everything you would need to stay at the Emerson's house.

After David had flown away, you and the Frog Brothers sat down with Cooper and explained everything that happened since you moved to Santa Carla. You told him about how David was following you; how the Frog Brothers had a history with him; and how you pretended to date Sam to go train with the Frog Brothers. Cooper paid close attention the entire time you explained. Best of all, he finally came to the realization that there really were vampires in Santa Carla.

Once you finished explaining the situation to Cooper, it was mutually decided by all parties that you could not stay at your house. Your house would be the first place David would come when he inevitably came looking for you again. The Frog Brother offered to take you to the Emerson's house, as that way there would be more numbers on your side. Cooper then called Michael and explained what happened before asking if it would be okay if you stayed there for a few days. Michael didn't hesitate to say yes. Cooper agreed to stay at your house in case David came back there before sending you upstairs to pack a bag.

As you were backing, you heard a small knock on your bedroom door. You called, "Come in."

Cooper walked though your bedroom door and asked, "Hey, can we talk for a second?"

"Yeah sure," you told him.

  Cooper closed the door before sitting down on the side of your bed. You sat down next to him. You waited for Cooper to break the silence. He wrung his hands together a few times before saying, "Y/n, I'm so sorry."

"For what?" You asked.

"For not listening to you about the Frog Brothers," Cooper said, "And for making you feel like you couldn't tell me about David. I guess in a way I kind of forced you to sneak around. I didn't realize that the Frog Brothers were protecting you, or I guess I just didn't want to realize that they were. I shouldn't have let my feelings about them get in the way of you seeing them. After today, I see how much the two of them care about you."

You gave him a soft smile. You were both relieved and grateful that Cooper had finally come around. It made you hopeful that this was the first step in having your relationship with Cooper go back to normal.

You gave him a hug and said, "I forgive you, Coop. Thanks for apologizing."

"Of course," Cooper said before pulling away and asking, "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I am," you told him as you stood up and zipped your bag up.

"Cool, Edgar and Alan are waiting for you downstairs," Cooper said.

  Cooper paused for a moment before asking, "Wait, what does your jacket say?"

  You looked down at your army jacket before answering, "It says Tiny Dancer. It's a nickname Edgar and Alan gave me.

For the first time that night, Cooper cracked a smile, "That's cute. It suits you."

"Yeah, it does," you said, also smiling.

Cooper left after that. You put the strap for your bad over your shoulder, and were getting ready to leave when you spotted something on your bed: Mr. Bear. You figured that you needed him more than ever right now, so you quickly unzipped your bag and put him in it before zipping it back up and heading down the stairs.

When you entered the surf shoppe, Alan, Edgar, and Cooper were standing around the counter talking. The three of them looked up when they heard you coming down the stairs. Both of the Frog Brother offered you small, comforting smiles as you came down the stairs.

Tiny Dancer [Frog Brothers x Reader Love Triangle Story] (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now