Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV
Rolling over I quickly shut off the annoying alarm before rolling back onto my stomach. 5 more minutes never hurt anyone.

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" James. James is my annoying foster dad. If you can even call him that. I can bet on my life that he hates everything about me. I'm surprised they even let him "take care" of me.

"Y/N!" I rolled my eyes before reluctantly getting out of bed. I slowly walked through the small apartment and into the kitchen.

"I need you to come here right after school today. I have shit to do and I don't have time to look after Emma." Emma is my 5 year old sister. He doesn't really like her either.

"Yeah sure I can do that." I nodded my head looking at Emma. She was eating cereal and watching the small tv.

"I wasn't asking." He rolled his eyes before grabbing his bag and leaving.

"Well squirt, looks like I'm taking you to school today." I smiled down at her and rubbed her head before going back into my room and getting dressed.

My everyday outfit consisted of just a hoodie and jeans with some vans. James doesn't really like to spend money on us so it's a rare occasion that we get new clothes. I didn't mind though. I just wish Emma had more clothes. Maybe I can look into that job at the mechanic my friend Eddie was telling me about.

Eddie is my best friend. My only friend really. His dad owns a car shop a couple blocks down. It's walking distance since I don't have a car.

After getting dressed I walked back into the kitchen to grab an apple.

"Come on squirt, we gotta get you to school." I grabbed her hand and walked to the door. While walking down the stairs I made sure Emma had everything she needed for school.

"And where do you think you're going without saying hello?" April. April is the nice old lady that lived below us. She was always looking out for us because James wouldn't.

"April!" Emma ran over to give April a hug.

"Good morning Emma!" She hugged her back before looking up at me.

"Good morning April. How is your day so far?" I asked. I do every morning.

"I'm still breathing right?" she laughed. I loved April's sense of humor. It was dark.

"Unfortunately." I smiled. She laughed before grabbing two bags from behind the door.

"One for Emma. And one for the delinquent." She smiled.

April made us lunch everyday before we went to school because we didn't have the money to buy it. I always told her she didn't have to but she insisted.

"I'm guessing there's poison in mine right?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Why of course not. That's for dinner." She smiled back. We laughed before we said our goodbyes and I continued to walk Emma to school.

Emma's teacher Miss Franklin was super nice. She knew that I usually walk Emma to school everyday and waits for us to get there. Emma loves Miss Franklin. I don't blame her.

After dropping Emma off at school, I started walking to my hell. It wasn't far which is what I hated.

I put in my earbuds and started playing my music for the walk. Halfway there a car pulled up next to me. I already knew who it was because it's the same everyday. Jack. Asshole.

"Hey dipshit!" He yelled from his car. I tried to ignore him and keep walking but he wouldn't drive off.

"I know you hear me dick face!" He continued. I sighed and looked towards him.

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