Chapter 10 - Bedroom

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"JK! You're here! Oh no, how are you? Did something happen?"

JK's cute friend spotted JK sitting on the bench in the garden and sat down next to him, putting an arm around his shoulders. JK's eyes were full of tears.

"Tae ... and Bogum ... they ... " was the only thing JK managed to say. 

"I saw. I am sorry, JK." 

JK's friend hugged him tightly and JK put his head on his friend's shoulder. 

"It'll be okay. You don't need him, JK. There are other men, and women, in this world."

He stroked JK's hair, neck and back to comfort him. 

You don't need that idiot, JK. You have me. 

JK released himself from the embrace, dried his eyes and looked at his friend. 

"Don't say that! Not you of all people. You are my best friend and you know I love him. You know I need him." JK said.

"Okay, JK. I just care about you. I care about you a lot. You know that." his friend said taking his hand.

"I am sorry, but I am still Tae's. I guess I always will be. I am sorry." JK said looking down.


"Tae, let's get some drinks and find somewhere a bit more private to sit down." 

The slow song had ended and Bogum led Tae off the dance floor towards the bar. 

"Private?" Tae asked.

"Just to avoid guys like that last one who kissed you." Bogum said. "I'm your bodyguard, remember?"

"Okay." Tae said. 

Tae didn't really care where they went. 

Bogum led Tae to the bar, his arm around Tae's waist to keep him steady. He picked up two drinks and walked towards the stairs to the upper floors, Tae by his side. 

Upstairs were the bedrooms, and one of them was unoccupied. 

He led Tae over to the bed, gave him one of the drinks and they sat down.

"Bottom's up." Bogum said raising his glass to Tae. 

Tae drank his drink in one gulp. 

It was strong and it tasted a bit different than usual. The effect was almost immediate. 

It made his head spin and his vision became hazy. 

Bogum watched Tae closely, put his own untouched drink on the floor and turned back to Tae. He saw how Tae tried hard to focus his gaze but didn't manage it. 

Bogum gave Tae a light push in the chest and Tae fell down onto his back on the bed.

"You need to rest a bit, don't you."

Bogum's voice was suddenly not so friendly anymore.

"I ... " Tae said. 

Then everything went black and Tae fell into unconsciousness.


"What the fuck do we do about this then?" Jimin asked Yoongi. 

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