Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader ☁

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A/N : HEre i present to youuuuu a request! thank you so much @Watashiwaorenjidesu for requesting! and here we go with the oneshot! hope you like!


--Y/n's POV--

Today is such a shitty day... it's been raining and everyone is with they're parents or clustered in they're rooms... and Shoto said he had an urgent errand to run.. so i'm stuck here watching [The Seven Deadly Sins] for the eighth time while playing the game (a/n : i definitely recommend the game btw) im starting to get bored.. " lenny face imma get some ice cream.. " i whisper to myself as i roll off the couch and go to the kitchen to get my chocolate flavored ice cream.I even put my name on it so if it dissapeared... lets just hope it didn't..

While im looking through the freezer i notice it had changed place, and just thought that someone had something they wanted from behind it and left it alone. As i open it though... " WHO ATE HALF OF MY F*CKING I CREAM?!?! " i scream out loud for everyone to hear.I bet it was Denki and Mina "those little bastards" i whisper softly to myself.

I put it back in the fridge and make my way back to the couch to continue playing my game. As im making my way, though the main dorm room opens, and it reveals " SHOTOO~!! i missed you~ " i say as i run up to him and hug him " Hello there love. Sorry i took so long.. i did get you this though. " he says as i untangle myself from him. He than hands me..dramatic gasp no... it can't be... " CHOCOLATE FLAVOURED ICE CREAM!! thank you so much for this!! i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you!! " i say while kissing his face all over while there is an ever so evident blush on my Shoto's face. " y-your welcome my love.. " he says with a small stutter at the beginning which i find pretty cute!

//some time later//

" wanna watch a movie together while we eat the ice cream? " i ask as we both just got seated on the couch. "Sure.What movie would you like to watch my love? " asks Shoto with the remote at hand going to the movie section of Netflix(A/N this movie isn't actually on netflix.). I think for awhile and then i think of the perfect movie " The Boy and the beast! " i say excited to see the movie that had consumed my childhood.

//  Timeskip bc im a lazy piece of trash *(′▽'〃)/  //

"That was fun!" I say stretching out the a as i, myself stand up and stretch. "It was an interesting movie.. do you think somewhere out there there is someone with a quirk that makes them look like a beast?" Shoto asks me with curiosity in his voice. "hmmm.. i don' know.. maybe.yawn what i do know is that im tired and going to bed.. you coming?" I ask Sho while making my way to the elevator. " yawn  yes, i'll just take the ice-cream with us. I saw that someone had eaten yours.. " He responds to me knowing that i hate when people take my stuff without asking. " Thank you! and thats a good idea. Btw what was the errand you had to run, about?" I ask referring to the errand he had to urgently finish, and at the same time going in the elevator with my beloved. " Just some business with my father. nothing for you to worry about though."  He says while empathizing on the word business. " If you say so." I say as we arrive on the floor of Sho and my room.

" Mine?" i ask knowing that he knows what i mean " yours" he says with a small smile. I open the door to my dorm room and let Sho in before closing it. While he puts the ice-cream in the mini-freezer in the corner, i get into bed and start dozing off. " Goodnight love.." is the last thing i hear before going into a deep sleep.



i am so very sorry this took so long to write.. but i hope you like it! and im still taking requests, so if you have anything in mind you want written, dm me or write it in the comments! bai my potatoess!


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