Deku x Fem!reader {Birthday special}☁🍋

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[heyyyyy look at me being almost 2 days late on Izuku and Mirio's birthdayyy. i actually feel super bad tho..i promise next year i'll be better at doing this >"<Happy late birthday!(i may or may not have made him a little kinky 👀]

Today was Izu's birthday! eek! im so excited! in plus i have an awesome surprise for him after school. i can't wait to see his eyes brighten up and his cute little smile on his face- " -/n, l/n stop stairing into space and answer the question." i heard Mr. Aizawa after getting out of my thoughts. "r-right! umm... 53?" i say, making it sound more like a question than an answer. " you are correct" i exhale a sigh of relief as i hear that i got my calculations right.The bell rings just a few seconds after the end of his sentence. "alright class you can all pack your stuff and leave now."

When i was done with packing my stuff i went to Uraraka and told her to put our plan in action. The plan was that she would distract Izuku while the rest of the class and i make the preparations and then call her when im done.

" Hey y/n! i was wondering if we coul-" before he could finish his sentence, Uraraka stopped him and dragged him along to god knows where while saying something like " i have something to show you" or something like that. But now i actually felt bad because i had been ignoring him almost the whole day thinking of how i could make his birthday even more special.

💫🌟✨ Timeskipuu~~~✨🌟💫

I was done setting up the banners when i heard Bakugo and Iida arguing about something. I calmed them down before Bakugo would blow up anything. After o asked everyone if they were about done and they all said yes so i decided to tell Uraraka that we were almost ready so that they could start heading back. I then went to the kitchen to get the cake i and Sato had made the day before,put it on the counter, go upstairs to get the confetti and go back downstairs to wait for them to arrive while hiding beside the door and told everyone to hide and get they're confetti ready too.

As i see the door handle jiggle i started to get fidgety. "Surprise! Happy birthday Izu!" we all say as the door opens and we all pop the confetti thing at the same time. Izuku was surprised and stepped back a little before smiling brightly and saying 'thank you's' and 'you really didn't have to do that!' after we had all calmed everyone went to sit down on the table as i turn off the lights and go to the kitchen to light the candles.

As i get out of the kitchen everyone, me included, start singing happy birthday (at the exception of Bakugo)" happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ happy birthday dear Midoriya/Izuku~ happy birthday to you~~" we finish as i place the cake on the table. Izuku closes his eyes for a moment then blows the candles. We all clap as all the candles are out in one blow. Then Todoroki turns the lights back on so that we can see clearly."What did you wish for?" Mina asks with a tone that made it obvious that she was curious about that. " well if i say it out loud it wont come true r-right?" Izu says as he stutters a little at the end cutee i think to myself" hmph! well alright then! lets eat the cake!" says Mina as she claps her hands together.

💫🌟✨~~~Timeskip againnnn~~~✨🌟💫(lemon coming innnn)

After we ate the cake we all went back to our dorms, and me and Deku made our way to his dorm. As i make my way in, Izu right behind me, i hear that he locked the door.

" Hey 'Zu, why'd you lock the do-" before i could finish my sentence i felt myself being pinned to the wall and a knee being placed right beneath my heat. keep in mind, since the lights were off it was practically pitch black, and my eyes still needed to adjust to the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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