Chapter Two

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When Liam awoke the next morning, his thoughts were filled with that of alcohol and love confessions. He had fallen asleep on the large chair a few hours after Louis had crashed in his bed, but not before he thought and overthought everything Louis said. Liam had decided that he felt awful that Louis felt as thought his feelings for Harry weren't warranted. You don't choose who you love and there's no changing who you do fall in love with.

Liam wasn't even sure if Louis would remember what he revealed. He supposed he was going to have to find out because soon enough, he would have to go around and wake the boys to get them ready for the day and on the tour bus. They were leaving Miami, Florida and heading to Louisville, Kentucky.

Quietly, Liam stretched. His muscles were aching from the position he had slept in on the chair, but he didn't want to disturb Louis by getting into the bed too. Louis needed his sleep after all of the crying he did and he was sure that if he accidentally woke him up, Louis wouldn't be able to fall back asleep again. Liam grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom to get ready. He felt robotic as he brushed his teeth; however, his mind was spinning. He exited the bathroom and pulled one of those expensive four dollar bottles of water out of the mini fridge. He set it on the nightstand near Louis's head and pulled out his bottle of pain medicine. He placed two of the small pills by the water.

Liam looked at Louis with a sad smile as he exited the hotel room, key in hand. He walked down a few doors before knocking. He waited a few minutes before a disheveled Zayn answered the door.

"What do yah want," mumbled Zayn. His eyes were barely open and Liam couldn't help, but laugh.

"It's time to get ready and go. You can sleep more on the bus, mate."

"Alright, alright," said Zayn. He shut the door and Liam laughed loudly. "Fuck off, Liam!" yelled Zayn from behind the closed door. His voice was muffled and as Liam heard the shower turn on, he knew that Zayn was really getting ready and not just going back to bed.

Unfortunately for Liam, he often had to get a spare key from the front desk in order to wake up his bandmate properly. Liam was glad that today wasn't one of those days. He walked down a few more doors before knocking again. Niall answered the door with a smile.

"All ready?" asked the bubbly Irish man.

Liam nodded. "I'm just about to go get Harry and Louis up. I successfully woke up Zayn this morning," said Liam proudly.

"Good on you," grinned Niall. "I'm going to go wait in the lobby."

Liam smiled and as Niall carried out his luggage and he handed Liam his room keys. The boys found that it was better to leave the keys with Liam after they left, so he could just turn them in all at once. Plus, Louis in particular had a nasty time with keeping his cards from getting lost in the mess he'd create in his room.

Last, but not least, was Harry. Liam wasn't sure why he was so nervous. Maybe it was the fact that he knew something he didn't know previously; that Louis was in love with Harry. Maybe Liam was afraid that Harry, who always knew when something was wrong with his mates, would be able to see through Liam's confident façade. Maybe Harry would see that Liam knew something. Something like Louis liking Harry.

Nonetheless, Liam struck the door with his knuckles thrice and waited patiently for Harry to open his door. Soon enough, Harry stumbled out. His hair was a mess and he looked a right mess. At least that was something Louis and he had in common this morning.

"Alright there?" asked Liam, concerned. Harry nodded, although he didn't say a word. He mindlessly handed his key to Liam and pushed through, walking down the hall and toward the elevator.

"Brilliant," mumbled Liam with a sigh. He was prepared to deal with a difficult Louis, but now Harry too? At least Niall and Zayn appeared to be having decently good days.

Eventually, Liam shook himself out of his thoughts and began his journey back to his room to wake Louis. He unlocked the door and closed it behind him. Liam walked over to Louis and shook him gently awake. Louis groaned and hugged the pillow under him.

"Louis, it's time to get up. We've got to head to the next spot."

"I don't wanna go to school, Mum," mumbled Louis, almost incoherently.

"Louis, you're not going to school," laughed Liam.

"Thanks, Mum," whispered Louis, his shoulders relaxing.

Liam didn't want to have to wake Louis up harshly, but it appeared that he may have to. So, he grabbed the blankets and tugged them off the bed, revealing Louis, curled up in a ball and hugging the pillow to his chest. He looked so much smaller than he normally did and he wondered if this was normally how Louis slept when he thought he was alone.

"Liam?" asked Louis, uncurling quickly. "What're you doing in here?"

"Wha'd'ya mean, mate?" chuckled Liam. "You're in my room. Do you not remember coming in here?"

Louis looked ever so confused as he rubbed his forehead. He winced. "Why's the room so bright?"

"Louis you're hungover," said Liam softly. "I put some medicine on the table beside you."

Louis picked up the pills and sat up to drink them down with water. While the meds wouldn't help him right away, at least he wouldn't have to deal with the headache for much longer.

"What happened? I feel like I've been hit by a bus," said Louis, standing up. "I don't remember much. We're the other lads here?"

Liam shook his head. "You, uh, got drunk in your room and came over to mine. You were pretty pissed, mate." Liam picked out the empty bottle of Gin from the trash and showed it to him. "You drank this entire thing."

"Are you joking?" asked Louis. He groaned. "What am I supposed to tell the lads? God they're going to give me so much shit."

"Small price to pay," snickered Liam. Should he bring up what Louis said last night? He might as well because it might be a few days before he can get Louis alone again. "You- you said a few things last night and before I tell you what these things were, I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine with it and you don't need to freak out. Okay?" Louis nodded cautiously, willing Liam to go in. "Well, er, you came to my room crying and so I let you in and got you talking and eventually you spilled that you didn't feel the same about Eleanor and that you are pretty sure that you like another person and so I tried guessing and eventually I got it down to one person and-."

"Liam just spit it out," grumbled Louis. He knew what Liam was getting at and he was angry at himself knowing that he had told someone a secret he promised himself he would never say aloud.

"You like Harry."

Louis sighed and nodded slowly. If he already said it, especially in a drunken state like that, there was no denying it. "Yes, alright? I like Harry. Can I get ready now?"

Liam was taken aback. Louis had been so sensitive last night that he really hadn't thought of the possibility that Louis would be angry this morning. Although, he should have expected it, it was Louis after all.

"Alright," mumbled Liam. "Do you want to go down to the lobby by yourself or...?"

Louis's eyes softened and Liam thought back to the previous night. Was Louis going to cry again? He hoped not. Instead of crying, Louis turned his lips upward into a smile.

"Who knew Payno was a giant softie for his overly emotional friends," tittered Louis.

"Oh shut it, Louis," grinned Liam. Louis began to make his way out the door when he turned around and attempted a smile, but Liam knew that, that was Louis's way of saying, "Wait up!" So, Liam took a seat on the chair he had slept in and returned Louis'a smile.

"Just knock when you're ready."

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