Chapter Four

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   Walking on stage always made Louis nervous no matter how many times he did it. He'd been going this for years, yet he nearly had a panic attack before every show. Louis was afraid of what he didn't know and while he had seen plenty of shows to know that it would probably be fine, a piece of him held onto the thought that his voice would crack during Little Things or he would trip on stage. Of course, he knew that his bandmates and fans would always have his back, but the hate always got to him no matter how small. The reminders that he didn't have a strong voice like Harry, pretty runs like Zayn, a wide range like Liam, and a talent with a musical instrument like Niall always added to the feeling that he was replaceable within the band. Simon Cowell could have just as easily picked a better looking contestant on the X-Factor and he knew that. He was just lucky that he had been picked instead of some other bloke on the show.

   "Lou? Are you alright?" asked Harry, walking up from behind. He placed his hands on Louis's tense shoulders and began to rub gently.

   Louis was glad that they had made a tradition of this during their first tour.

   "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. You know me, overthinking Tommo. Are the lads ready then?" He ruffled his hair as he looked into Harry eyes. God they were beautiful.

   "Not quite. Niall's having a bit of trouble finding his second shoe," laughed Harry. Louis could listen to that laugh all day. Was it on Spotify? He'd need that to go on his playlist right away. "Zayn and Liam are helping him. I was supposed to just come and get you to help, but I think they can handle themselves."

   "No, no, we should go help," said Louis. He began to pull away from Harry's grasp, but Harry pulled him back.

   "You're stressed, Louis. You need to relax before the show. Worrying over Niall's lost shoe isn't going to help any. Especially not when I already know where it is." Harry smirked as Louis turned around with a grin.

   "You cheeky little shit. Where is it?" asked Louis. Harry grabbed Louis's wrist and guided him toward backstage, just before they would be walking on stage.

   Louis could hear the screaming of his fans as they sang along to their opening act. It was all still unreal to Louis and he began to think about how just three years ago he was sat in Donny, helping his mum take care of his sisters. Louis felt a pang in his heart as he thought of how much he missed them. He was dragged out of thought as Harry pulled Niall's shoe from a crevice. Louis laughed loudly as Harry showcased the shoe dramatically.

   "Should we hide it and force Niall to go on stage without a shoe?" questioned Harry with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

   Louis nodded enthusiastically. "We should go get the boys and play it off as joking with the fans though. Niall could easily just put on another pair."

   Harry grinned and he and Louis ran toward Niall's dressing room. It was torn up. The sofa was destroyed and all of Niall's things were strung around the room. Louis widened his eyes and let out a strangled giggle which brought the attention of his bandmates.

   "Did you just giggle?" asked Liam. "I didn't know Louis Tomlinson giggled."

   "Oh shut it, Liam," said Louis with a sigh. It was all in good fun and Liam grinned as a saw a small smile coy. Louis turned to Niall and pointed at the mess. "Obviously you can't find the shoe. Did you even pack it?"

   "Yes, I just wore them. I swear!"

   "Why don't you just go on stage without a second shoe. Just think about how hilarious that would be," suggested Harry.

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