Chapter Three

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   Louis knew he shouldn't have drunk as much as he did. He knew that he shouldn't of even picked up the bottle; Gin always made him even sadder than he already was, but he did anyways. On one hand he was angry with himself that he had let Liam in on his secret, but on the other he was relieved he wouldn't have to do it sober because he sure that one day he would have told Liam. Liam always listened.

   "Why're you wearing sunglasses inside, Tommo?" chuckled Niall, pointing at the black sunglasses. Louis and Liam had come down together and Liam was turning in their room keys.

   Louis feigned a smile him and answered, "I'm a wee bit hungover, mate. The lights are a bit bright and all."

   Niall laughed loudly and then quickly quieted down as Louis winced.

"You weren't kidding."

"Oh no. I'm just joking, Niall. Haha, what a great laugh. I love joking about the pain my head is giving me," quipped Louis. The sarcastic remarks often just rolled off his tongue before he even had a chance to understand what he was saying. Louis looked at Niall and upon seeing the bright smile still on his friend's face, he decided against apologizing. It was evident that Niall hadn't taken his bitchy mood too harshly.

"Let's get moving, boys," called Liam, nearly out the door.

He had his suitcase in one hand and the door handle in the other. Louis pushed his way forward and sighed contently as he felt the warm, summer wind nip at his face. Florida was hot and humid, but Louis didn't mind one bit. Walking into the cool tour bus made him want to run back outside and bask in the summer sun. Hopefully, Kentucky was warm too.

   "Don't wake me until we're there," mumbled a tired Zayn as he plopped into his small, tour bed. He closed the curtain and Louis turned his attention back to the other boys.

   "What now?" asked Niall, but Harry pushed past his three friends and made his way to the back of the bus where there was a large compartment. "What's got his knickers in a twist this morning?" Niall turned to Louis, who had always been the closest with Harry since the beginning of their One Direction career.

   "Haven't a clue, mate," answered Louis, removing his sunglasses. Thankfully got him, the bus was rather dark compared to the outside. "I haven't spoken to him since the show last night."

   "Really? Figured you had gone to Harry's room last night. I heard yah walking down the hall last night."

   Louis widened his eyes slightly and turned to Liam, who stepped in quickly.

   "I asked Louis to come to my room last night. I need a bit of help with getting Football on the TV. Didn't know the channel..." Louis sighed in relief as Liam spoke. He was glad that Liam was so great at creating cover stories, but as he realized the reasoning as to why Liam was so good at it, he frowned.

   "Oh, alright then," laughed Niall.
Louis looked back toward the room Harry entered. The door was shut and the blinds were drawn, revealing no trace of a person in the compartment. If Louis hadn't been practically knocked over by the force Harry's shoulder had given him, he wouldn't have known that anyone was in there.

"I'm going to go check on him," whispered Louis before walking over to the door. He hesitantly gripped the handle and gave it a twist, but it was locked. "Harry?" called Louis. "Harry, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," mumbled Harry softly from the other side of the door. His voice cracked and if it had been any of the other boys, they would have thought it was just a weird puberty thing, but Louis knew otherwise.

"Haz, have you been crying?" asked Louis. Liam and Niall has followed Louis and normally he wouldn't have asked something like that in front of them, but he was upset and Louis wanted to make sure he was alright. "What's wrong, darling?"

Usually, Louis and Harry were alone with each other when one was upset. Louis always called Harry darling when he was sad because it was just enough to make him smile. The other boys didn't know that. They did know that Harry and Louis were exceptionally close. Zayn, Liam, and Niall had even seen Harry and Louis cuddling on a couch while watching the telly, but pet-names had always been private.

"Lou, I'm okay. Really," whispered Harry. He sniffled and Louis felt his heartbreaking. "Just leave me be, I'll be right out."

   "Hazza, talk to me. I can help," frowned Louis. "What's wrong?"

   "Are the other guys with you?" asked Harry softly.

   Louis turned to Liam and Niall and gave them a look that told them to scurry off, so they backed away and pretended to be talked a few feet away.

   "No, darling. It's just me. Will you open up now?"

   Louis heard the door unlock and he smiled triumphantly. He looked quickly to Liam and Niall with a grin and then turned back to see the door opening slowly. As Harry emerged, Louis's smile wiped right off his face.

   "Oh, Harry. What's the matter?"

   Harry sniffled and wiped his nose on the sleeve of his hoodie. "I, uh, I really don't want to talk about it...?"

   "That's alright, darling. What would you like me to do for you? Would a spot of tea be nice?"

   Faintly, Louis could hear Niall whispering, "Whipped." Louis hoped Harry didn't hear.

   "You don't have to, Lou. I'll be fine, really. I just need some time is all."

   "No," Louis  protested. "I insist. I'll go make you a brew, Hazza."

   "Thank you," whispered Harry.

   Louis ruffled Harry's curls which brung a small smile to his face, revealing the dimples Louis was ever so in love with. "Ah, there's me happy Harry! I was beginning to wonder when the sun would come out again."

   Harry's dimples deepened as Louis smiled up at Harry, too. While Louis knew the boys would be giving him major shit in a few minutes, he didn't care because Harry was smiling and that's all that mattered.

   "I'll be back in a few minutes, darling. Would you put the footie on? We can watch the telly and drink some tea together. Would you like that?"

   Harry nodded shyly and Louis pushed a loose curl, that had fallen into Harry's eyes, behind the younger of the two's ear. Harry closed the door softly as Louis turned around, grinning manically. Louis walked forward and turned into the small kitchen their tour bus was equipped with. He began to mentally prepare himself for the load of shit his friends were about to give him.

"Awh, little Tommo's in loooove," giggled Niall, entering the room. Liam was behind Niall, but didn't say anything. Niall hadn't seen the way Louis had been the night before, but Liam did and he knew that deep down Louis was upset that he was only a friend to Harry.

"Oh be quiet, Niall," said Louis. He continued to make Harry's tea, never once breaking eye contact with the task to look back.

"Can I be the flower girl at your wedding?" asked Niall, throwing his head back in fits of laughter. "What are the colors. I'll be sure to match my dress with yours."

"Alright, Niall, I think that's enough," said Liam.

Niall looked at Liam as if he were high as a kite. "It's all just some good fun, right Louis?" But as Louis didn't respond and only stirred the tea in the cup, Niall looked back to Liam. "Louis didn't go over to help you with Football, did he?"

"No, Niall. I was drunk off me arse," answered Louis, "and I admitted a few things that I shouldn't of. Now, if you lads will excuse me..."

Louis began to push through Liam and Niall. He looked back for a second to see Niall and Liam in an intense conversation. Well, that was one more person that knew the secret that could single handedly ruin his relationship with Harry. Nonetheless, as Louis walked up to the back compartment door and knocked softly.

"Harry? I've got your tea."

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