Part Four- Getting Along

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Slowly and awkwardly, we retracted ourselves--as if to control ourselves.

"T-thank you. I needed that. " I said while fumbling with my thumbs and heat settling on my cheeks more than ever.

"I did too." 10K said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. His head turned down, and I could have sworn that I saw him burning up.

"Hey, um, 10K?" I tried getting his attention again. He looked at me wide-eyed and I bit my lip thinking that maybe it would soften the blow of what I would ask him next. "Would you do me the favor of letting me draw you?"

Oh dear, was I burning up now.

"Y-you don't have to, of course." I blurted.

10K let out an airy gasp "I'd be fine with that. " He said ecstatically with a hop in his posture.

"Really?! Thanks!" I said picking up my pencil, sharpening it, and turning to the next page of the sketchbook that 10K set down earlier.

I briefly scanned him up and down. "Hey, I was able to save some battery in an iPod of mine. We can listen to some music!" I put my eraser to my mouth and squinted. "Hmmmm. And, if I had to guess, I'd say you might be into some...Soundgarden...Too Fighters...Red Hot Chili Peppers..." I smiled at 10Ks intrigued expression. "Or the classics: Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Journey or Boston..."Oops. I rambled.

"Yes to all!" 10K answered leaning forward into an elated stance, containing snigger under his breathe.

With that, I took out my iPod and ear phones. Maybe it would have been pointless to use headphones when we are alone, but 10K gestured to have the headphone experience.

Then I played a song for him and started to sketch. All the awkward feelings from before became subtle as we sunk into the music and cool air.

Once in awhile he would peer over at my progress, but I would playfully lift up the book so he couldn't see. He was patient, but still eager. With that eagerness at heart, he would edge a little bit closer to me.

I got to focus on every detail of his face. From the dark, despairing undertone beneath his eyes, the exhaustion in his lines, the protudance of his lips, the edge in his hair to the good in his heart where a reasonable anger resided in the pit of his soul pass his pupils engulfed by those emerald irises.

In some time, I put down my pencil and allowed 10K to see the finished piece. He sat beside me and appeared amazed at the sight of himself.

"Heh. So that's me. I look so good that almost can't believe it." He said with the side of his mouth raised.

"Well, you made a good model being as wickedly handsome as you are." I joked.

"Heh. Really?! Well, you don't look so bad yourself, and your taste in music. Dang." He playfully whistled.

I burst out laughing. "I can't even tell if that was flirting or joking!" I've never had company like this.

I teasingly nudged him and he nudged back. Soon, we turned into a laughing fit. We eased ourselves into a wrestle that ended up having rolling and giggling across the floor. Our hands were all over each other, we pried at our arms and snuck in a few tickles here and there.

I was a child again. The zombies were too far away from us to be a nuisance anymore. We relinquished all clouding judgements to be free and just enjoy our fun.

Quickly enough, he dominated me. For as thin of a figure he was, he made up with strength and speed. Far too much for me to defeat without the need to. I took it in with each breathe I took to regain my energy. I slithered my arm up in front of my chest as to push him away, but really, I was just feeling to closer to him.

Eye-to-eye we laid. I saw his pupils dilate with the sight of me underneath him, compressed by him, arms on the sides of my head.

I would have let him kiss me right then and there. Before anything happened, I broke out of the gaze and focused all my poise to throw myself forward and tilt to the right until I was on top.

I smiled with a touch of victory. I showed that I would be in charge of what I would allow to happen. Of course, to also build up a sense of mystery. He would have to be patient.

So we catch our breathes, and lower our defenses. I burrowed my head into his chest as I let out the last of my laughing fit. I felt his chest palpitate with the contact.

He placed his hands on my back briefly, but dragged them down onto the ground.

Slowly, we pulled away and the room echoed with sound of our breathes.

I spoke first. "I think we may have gotten along... huff... even without the apocalypse." I swallowed.

He turned his head to face me, and spoke second. "That's if we found each other. For that..huff...I'm glad." He combined the sweet words with a friendly smile.

The air let from his mouth made it harder for me, so I turned away and laughed some more before I cooled down. "Me too." I whiped off the sweat that made its way into my forehead and sat up. "Sorry I distracted us, we have to go find your friends. "

"Yeah...but...hey..." He looked at me. "A distraction makes this world tolerable."

I smiled. I hoped that what I thought he meant was exactly what he was saying. Atleast for me, the souvenir of those words meant everything.

After so, we tore down the window's boards and looked at the case outside we would be dealing with.

20 or so Zs crowded around, but not in a focused cluster.

We would have our fun.

"So, just how good of a shooter are you?" I asked.

"Oh, you have no idea now do you?" He slyly replied.

We pulled down the sill. 10 bullets shot not to waste, and 10 Zs were dead.

He said a number under his breathe and I was dazzled. Oh, just how distracting he was.

We made our way out.

A nice song to end this short part on. I apologize if the music in here was not your taste, but I was going with a flow. With that, please fill free to envision the story as differently as suited for you. :)

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