Part Six- Here for You

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Soon, we came across a small town in Mesquite. It may have been small, but it was filled with whispers, but none of them were there right then because they all became snarls. I not able to tell where the Z were. The sound was just too quiet.

The mystery churned my stomach.

"I have a bad feeling about this. " I told 10K while brushing myself up against his arm.

"This place is just quiet. Its going to be okay. "He reassured me.

I nodded, but was still not convinced.

With that, there were no cars in sight expect for ones that were either rusted or wheelless, so we decided to search for supplies inside a paneled Gas Station first before seeing if we could drain the pumps.

On, our way in, we had to use flash lights to examine the store. We went seperate ways to save our time for draining the pumps and getting back to the El Camino.

I found a few private items for myself before I finally came across a buttload of snacks.

"I found a whole bunch of food, including (favorite snack)!" I whispered to 10K across the room, hoping he heard me.

"Awesome!" He replied under his breathe.


I noticed a sound somewhere and grew suspicious. Shining my light around the walls of the store, I saw the Employees room. So, I cautiously walked toward it with my wakazashi sheathed. As I came to it, there was no sound, so I switched over to my handgun and hid myself on the wall as I panicked to open the door. I would have to take a second to see whether or not it was a Z or human, but nothing came out the door. So, I jumped in as I pointed the gun and flashlight. Nothing.

Not this again. I thought before I walked into the room and found nothing.

Well, we had enough anyways, so I went to tell 10K that I finished with my half of the room. As so, he showed me that he found bottled water.

"Thank the heavens, maybe lack of oxygen is keeping me from being sane." I said as he handed me one.
I took a gulp together and I felt rejuvenated like I just took some medication that brought a surge of coolness throughout my body. I even let out a moan from the satisfaction and covered my mouth as I noticed 10K's stare lingering on me.

"Ignore that. We should go." I said with a beam.


"Shut it." I giggled while putting my finger to his mouth. "I've had enough teasing already."

"But you make it so easy!" He said, muffled under my touch.

"Only when you are thinking like that." I retorted while letting my finger go.

"Hormones, but I'll contain myself for you. "

"Okay. Good." I scoffed while taking off toward the door. Once I opened it, there was an awfully surprising sight.

"Zs. Where did they come from?! A whole bunch on their way over here from both directions!" I had get my way through 1 that had gotten to the door. "May you have mercy!" I shouted.

As I said so, 10K ran up to defend my side as I went out. "Well, mercy is the way we will have it!"

"Mercy!" I said while slashing away a few zombies on the left while 10K stood at my back while he defended the right.

Grunts came as I went through as many as I could with their heads sliding off. Many I could get with a single slash, but too many where piling up as my arms grew heavy. I needed to get away or switch as quick as possible. I could only take the time to bash a Z against the brick walls with all my might as I grabbed my gun for the many coming closer and closer. Lifting the SIG Saur P320 as I bashed brains against the walls, I counted down the 16 rounds I had left before needing to reload.

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