Part Seven- Union

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A/N: Welllllll now I'm watching Season 4, and although I kinda got a story planned out for this, my writing ambitions feel a bit aloof. However so that makes sense¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Even so, I'm glad to see how man reads that I am getting! I'm surprised to be honest. With that, I hope you guys are really enjoying it so far and I look forward to writing as much as I can! Here's the next part/chapter for ya!

Out of the lull of night, came the sound of Murphy that disturbed my dreams. "Thanks to me, we're at the Ranch now. "he taunted with a big grin on his face.

I then groggily sat up with 10K and we stepped outside the RV.

Before us stood a giant wall made of scrap metal from condos to buses all welded together as a mass of unruly protection and it stretched farther than our eyes could reach. It's shadow towered over us with a menacing gaze as bold words sprayed upon it read "The Lone Stars Ranch".

Murphy walked the both of us to a tall gate that looked as if it could have been torn off a castle. From the doors, a man came forth with the business-type cowboy style with a black wide-brimed hat, spurs on his boots, tan pants with a tan shirt, and a royal blue colored bolo tie.

"Why hello there Murphy's friends! My name is Mr. Bojangles and I should ensure you that your team is inside. So, why don't you come on in? " the man said with a throaty voice.

10K turned to me with a skeptical look. His eyes stern and his face serene.

"I don't trust him either, but your friends need you. " I whispered back through the side of my mouth. With it in mind, 10K turned back to the man that had his arms wide and open, then nodded his head before we went forward with Murphy.

On the way in, we took a glance at the man that waved his hands to the entrance. His smile was stiff and unreal. Of course, everyone needs a showy smile if there is something they want-and Mr. Bojangles really wanted it.

The place well beyond the walls contained was easily more than 16 acres of buildings that were very spread out but intricately designed and surrounded by maple trees. The Ranch as whole could have been a whole city in itself.

He followed us along the way to speak about the setting that presented itself. "Isn't it a beauty? All you need to get something made is some elbow grease and a little something to offer people in return. It's business! And that is exactly what we do here. I tried advertising as much as I can to bring people over here and help me create this sanctuary because I just have so much to give!"

It was slightly amazing to me, but with everything that has happened and without ever hearing about this place through civil advertisement, it all just wreaked of blood.

Mr. Bojangles glared at our unbewildered expressions, "Unbelievable. I know, but you will learn to love it. For you gotta dream big and bright if you ever want to reach for the stars, and only the best of the best will ever make it. " He teased. "Well, why don't I lead ya'll to your friends now? Afterwards, I got an offer for you both. Because you lovebirds aren't too sore for the eyes, I think you'll be cut right out for it." He then gave us a wink before walking us down a gravel path and up to a wooden cottage that could contain a whole family.

All three of us: Murphy, 10K and I took a stop before the entrance.

"Go on! It's safe!" Mr. Bojangles said before opening the door to reveal a group of people pensively sitting inside on an a comfortable array of couches surrounding a coffee table in front of a fireplace. "I'll leave ya'll to catch up. Later alligators!" Off went Mr. Bojangles with a tip of his hat.

All the people looked happy to see us...Or 10K and Murphy atleast.

First, a more elder man of the group came up to greet us all with a hug. "10K! And Murphy you son of a bitch!"

"Hey, Doc!" Said 10K weakly under the man's affection.

"Yeah, we made it." Murphy said out of breathe with a light chuckle.

Letting them go the Doc spoke again from relief, "You guys know I hate splitting up. "
With that, a darker woman came into view. "Hey, I'm Warren." She declared. After scanning me up and down attentively, she spoke more, "Are you guys going to tell me who this pretty and young girl is?"

10K rubbed the back of his neck, "This is (Y/N).", he then grabbed my hand for them to see our relationship. "I was going to ask if she could stay with us."

After 10K's proclamation, Warren scanned the others in the room and gave chance for the last person with bright, red hair to walk up.
The red head then held out a hand.

Awkwardly, I shook her hand with a smile.
"Silly, (Y/N), I was asking for a low-five!" The girl chuckled. "I'm Addy." She says in a silvery voice then she turned back to Warren. "She's see,s cool."

"I believe it's fine with all of us then. " Warren affirmed, giving 10K and I shift of excitement for the approval.

Then I took a look at the case at hand, "We had contacted Citizen Z in Arizona and he told us that you needed help here, but I don't yet have a full picture to see the problem just yet."

Warren then cleared her throat and looked around as if to make sure no one unseen was listening. "There is a life on this place, a promise of goods, supplies and like many places...peace. But many we have seen here are just gone now and the Mr. Bojangles is not making enough sense for it. These people, as you can tell, are builders and I'm pretty sure that all this land was not theirs before the apocalypse. We told Citizen Z to get us all back together and find out just what's happening here that we're not supposed to know about."

Murphy scoffed, "Well, hey, I kinda like the guy. "
Warren just glared at Murphy and he looked away out of fear.

"So, I hope I can trust you with what I just told you , (Y/N)." She added.

"Yes, ma'm." I replied, worried by her intense gaze.

10K rubbed my shoulders to relieve me of the pressure. He reminded me why I was there and that I should not fear them because him and I trusted each other the same way they trusted him.

"She's been through a lot like all of us. So go easy on her. " 10K defended for me.

"Exactly what I was doin'." Warren stated.
After that, we sat down around the coffee table to discuss the situation.

"Well, Mr. Bojangles said he wanted 10K and I for something. We should see what that is about." I started. "Something about not being too sore for the eyes."

Warren sat up, "Sounds like he wants your looks for something."

"Gene Pool maybe?" Murphy retorted.

I scrunched my face, "That sounds inhumane."

"Well, we have to see what that crazy cowboy wants. I just don't want him taking your lives." Doc said.

Addy spoke next, "He is some cookehead. Maybe I can try hooking up some wires on the both of you. It's what I can do to see what bs the guy says."

Together, we had the little bit of a plan and crossed our fingers to hope that it doesn't turn bad.

Addy then took both of us at a time to hook us up with gadgets from her bag and placed them beneath our shirts. When we faced each other again, we playfully patted each other's chests.

Not too long after, a knock came on the door.
We opened it up to reveal Mr. Bojangles leaning on the entrance.

"Hello agains fellas! I'd like to talk to the birdies about that offering if that's fine with them." The twerp chirped.

Firmly, 10K held my hand and we nodded to join him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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