Chapter One

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"You've got to be kidding me.", Cassandra groaned.

She crossed her arms as Andrew brought out an army's worth of supplies and food.

She could barely see the top of his man-bun that peeked over the items as he shuffled forward, his eyes showing through the pile of cleverly placed merchandise.

"I said get necessities, not whatever this is.", she said motioning to him and his new clearly unstable tower.

"This is what happens when you jump first and think later Cassie.", Andrew said his voice pitched with irritation, "Unless you want to die because you're freezing to death tonight, we'll need these things."

Cassandra kicked him in the shins, causing the objects to clatter to the ground as he stumbled.

The few people near them in the store immediately backed away, giving them wide berth as bread, blankets and other items filled the floor.

"What the-! What was that for?!"

"No one forced you to come along you know.", Cass retorted, "And don't call me Cassie, HUBERT.", she said glaring at him, "I don't even know why I let you tag along like this..."

"That's easy, it's because you like me and need the assistance of a handsome reformed cult master such as myself.", he answered throwing her a dashing smile.

Cass had to hand it to him that the man had some nerve as he tried to be charming.

To bad he was failing.

Like really failing-

"So you admit it was a cult.", she said raising her eyebrow a little, "I thought you said it wasn't. Also I remember why I let you come, it was so you wouldn't blab to all of Corona about it."

Andrew looked at her, "Ha, don't make me laugh, you know you enjoy my company.", he then furrowed his brow, "Also, I decided you were right about those guys, I mean Chella was pretty insane... didn't want to stick 'round them or what was left of them..."

"Please, the woman thought she was a god.", Cassandra said unamused as Andrew picked up the supplies.

"Didn't you think you were a god for a bit too Cass?", he reminded handing her a box, "You like thought that Zhan Tiri would give you a free for all pass or something, like you were above or the same level as him."

She huffed, "That was a completely different situation and you know it."

"Was it really though?"

The store clerk man snorted.

"Hey, who asked you Porky?", Andrew retorted staring down the chubby clerk, who in fact had puffy fat cheeks.

He scowled and pointed at her, "Don't know why you're defending the likes of her."

"It isn't any of your business is it?", Andrew said defiantly as he set more boxes on the counter, "Now shut up and let us be."

Cass felt her face burn.

She knew all of Corona and it's neighboring towns and kingdoms knew of the whole episode about the insane young woman who had been possessed with power and insanity; it was a whole patch of regret that she could never erase.

She knew no one would ever forgive her.

She was pretty sure her father hated her, the Captain had suffered mentally and psychically.

Cass knew that Eugene had even going it hard to look at her after everything that had happened.

Except for Rapunzel, who seemed to have forgiven her somehow, but she always forgave someone sooner or later anyway so she didn't really count.

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