Chapter Twenty-Three

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Panting and trying to catch her breath, Cassandra sheathed her sword finally as the strange bulbous animal disappeared into the trees.

"A-Are we...", she took a couple of more breaths before finishing, trying to get her voice working properly. "Are we close yet?"

She was exhausted.
The animal had completely taken them off guard, attacking them and forcing her to fight their way past it. Luckily she was able to scare it off and it barely did any damage to her, but she was getting worn out from the constant unknown forces she had to face throughout the past several days.

Adira meanwhile had done absolutely nothing to help, claiming that since she didn't have a mortal body she wouldn't be much good. Cass suspected that Adira had enjoyed her being chased around by that thing a little too much though. And who could blame her if that were true?
Cass knew without a doubt she'd have let Eugene run around for a little bit before coming in and saving him for Raps.

She stood up straight and calmed down her heartbeat, the adrenaline she had before now dissipating.

Adira nodded, pointing ahead, "It's just over that hill, or it should be. It's been quite a long time since I've visited... and I don't even know if he's stayed or left. Hopefully he hasn't decided to leave.
But, yes I believe we are close now."

"Who is this person we're going to see anyway?", Cass asked as they started moving again, Adira walking at her ever unchanging pace. "Why do you think he'll know where Varian is and powerful is this guy? Also how do you know him?"

Adore didn't even glance at her as she strided over the uneven ground, "You'll know all the answers to that once we find him Shorthair, just be patient. And a tip of advice, maybe you should talk less and move faster."

She grimaced at her back, "I can talk just fine without slowing up Adira; and I just want to know what kind of guy I'm about to meet. The last thing I want is to be trying to make deals with some shadowy thief and idiot who thinks they're a big shot. Or just some creep."
Cass then caught up with her, running up and standing shoulder to shoulder, "This is to be helpful to Varian, not go against him.", she said looking straight into her eyes.

"I know.", Adira sighed, "You'll just have to trust me here though. He helped me stay here in your realm, he's good. Some of the things I know he's searched for I can't say I agree with, but the intentions are always good."

She stared up at the taller woman angrily, her mind whirling with worry and now concern, "What the hell is that supposed to mean??! What did he do, kill some criminal in order to give you his life or some shit like that so you could stay?!"

"No! No, nothing like that.", Adira said shocked, "Why would you think that?"

"I don't know, the way you're being vague here I can only assume the worst.", she said forging ahead past the cluster of low tree branches, "Also I've learned that people who tend to have power can and will do horrible things in order to get to a certain goal.
Also the kind of magic needed to make you stay in the mortal realm with us probably wasn't cheap. Someone probably died in order for you to take their place."

Cass felt her shoulder grabbed, the contact surprising her as she looked down at it angrily.

"Listen Shorthair, no one was killed in order for me to be human. All that was done was me giving up any of my demon advantages, giving them up forever. It was simple and good for everyone.", she said offended, her translucent-green skin glowing warningly, "Why do you assume the worst out of my help for you? Why would I bring to my friend just to hurt you or hurt other people?! Stop and think for once!"

Cass pulled away roughly, turning her back to the woman, "I'm just being realistic, no one does anything good for someone else without a price."

"I'm not here to punish you for hurting me Cassandra.", Adira said quietly, "I thought you'd know that."

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