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The Prank wars had continued—throughout most of Fred and Nimah's 5th year

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The Prank wars had continued—throughout most of Fred and Nimah's 5th year. While it did cause them some detentions along the way, nothing was damaged severely and no one was harmed.

However, with the interaction that the pair had over the past few weeks—it caused a stir in some—or particularly one female that fancied Fred.

At first, the female had not acted upon it through envy, but with the whispers along the halls about how the two pranksters were definitely going to be together by the end of this year or the start of the next.

The envious female didn't want that—she was fine with the pranking, but the thought of her Fred being with that ungrateful Nimah—she was not having it.

So, in her act of retaliation—not considering her consequences, she decided to head to the place she knew that the Bludgers were being kept. Once she had jinxed them to harm Nimah and her team—she was satisfied.

The day had come for her plan to take place and as she stood in the stands with a grim satisfied look—her little addition to the Bludgers had ended up backfiring.

Nimah hit the bludger that neared her Keeper's face and it didn't take her long to notice that the ball was hexed. When she sent another bludger away from not her teammate but one of the Gryffindor Chasers—she realized that it only went after the male because she flew behind him.

It was then she realized, that the jinxed bludger was a target to her—and the thought of it being Fred never crossed her mind, because despite their Prank Wars—The two would never bring it to the field.

Unfortunately, to the second bludger that was farther from her started to change its direction—which confused her considering she was sure they were hexed to aim at her. So, as she tried to make her way over to the person it locked on, her heart nearly dropped seeing it make contact with the target. It was normal for them to be hit by the ball, but considering she realized the jinx on them, she wouldn't have it.

She quickly went to hit the bludger that didn't have enough and as she directed it away, she saw the falling figure. Her eyes widened as she saw it was Fred falling head first and she quickly flew down as fast as she could and quickly grabbed his uniform.

Though with his slightly heavier build, the force pulled her down and she fell with him—however, she directed her body to take the impact of the ground.

Once she felt the force of her breath being pushed out her throat—she last saw the sight of an unconscious Fred on her and the field slowly turned to blur.

The sound of the whistle last filled her ears as she allowed the darkness to fully take over but, Before she knew it, she was also unconscious and with a death gripping pain that struck her back.

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