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July 10th  2013

MICHAEL: Seriously, Toronto is so cool. You’re lucky to live here. It’s fucking awesome.

RACHEL: Of course it is awesome. I’m in it.

MICHAEL: Pff, look at you, pretending to be the center of the universe.

RACHEL: Pff, look at you pretending I’m not. ;)

MICHAEL: Well, I guess it’s great you’re confident… x)

RACHEL: You know I’m joking, dumbass.


RACHEL: I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, dumbass.

MICHAEL: HEY! That’s not nice.

RACHEL: If I wasn’t nice, why did you come to my place yesterday?


RACHEL: There you go, I’m nice  :D


AN: Hola! That's what I meant with short updates. I admit that most of them won't be as short as that though and they will come very often. I just like separating the chapters by dates. I'm also trying to set up the basis of their relationship and I think those simple text messages might really help that. 

dedicated to luciferhemmo because ambivalence is asdfghjkl and everyone should read it. 

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