t h r e e

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July 11th 2013

RACHEL: So, when are you leaving?

MICHAEL: Later tonight, I think somewhere around 6pm or 7pm.  Wanna hang out before?

RACHEL: I can’t, I’m working in two hours. You’ll be long gone by the time I’m done unfortunately.

MICHAEL: Oh yeah, true. You’re a boring person who has to work. :P

RACHEL: Not all of us get the chance to be in a band to pay the bills ;)

RACHEL: Do you think you’ll come back though? To Toronto I mean.

MICHAEL: There’s nothing planned, but I’m sure of it. It’s just a matter of when.


RACHEL: Then, I call dibs on you! I’m a shit friend so I want make up for bailing on tonight.

MICHAEL: Did you honestly think I wouldn’t have tried to see you, dumbass?

RACHEL: Hey, that’s my nickname. Pick another one.

RACHEL: And how do I know. You must be a little busy with your band and stuff.

MICHAEL: You should know my FRIENDS are always priority… not like someone else I know ;)

RACHEL:  You know it’s not what I want. I wished I would have hugged you more the other day. I didn’t know it was our last goodbye. : (

MICHAEL: Don’t you worry Rachel, I’ll find a way to come back and play video games with you again.

RACHEL: I’m counting on you!

* * *

AN: Hi guys! Another short update, but I promise longer ones are coming :) I'll try to post some of those little blurbs everyday as soon as I'm done with my exams! 

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