f o u r

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July 27th 2013

MICHAEL: I’m back in you.

RACHEL: wtf Michael?  

MICHAEL: *your country. Sorry ;)

RACHEL: Pervert. But where are you?

MICHAEL: Vancouver! It looks fucking beautiful.

RACHEL: Thank you!


RACHEL: Aren’t you still talking about me? ;)

MICHAEL: And I’m the one who’s being called dumbass. Pff.

RACHEL: It’s not my fault if it suits you well, honey!

MICHAEL: What have I done to you to deserve such nicknames? Dumbass is mean. Honey is nowhere near masculine.  I deserve something better.

RACHEL: You have purple hair and your complaining about your masculinity? LOL. Plus, what do you want me to call you to feel like a man, Superman?

MICHAEL: More like Spiderman. (PS: leave my hair alone. I’m punk rock.)

RACHEL: I hate spiders. I can’t call you spiderman!

MICHAEL: Why is that?

RACHEL: Because I like you too much to name you based on something that I hate and scares the shit out of me.

MICHAEL: Awww, I love you too Rae.


MICHAEL: Yep! That’s your new nickname : )

RACHEL: Oh! I like it! You’ll be Mikey then.

MICHAEL: Deal! Mikey and Rae it is!


AN: It is very important that you understand those "I love you" are platonic. It's only been a few weeks since they met and they've been texting each other pretty much everyday, having random conversations. Nothing like hours and stuff, just casually, asking how they've been, what they're up to and things like that. Hope you enjoyed it :) 

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