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Jungkook was heading to the nursing department at seoul hospital.

Its his first day of work being a second hand to a doctor whose name is choi seungho.

As he went past by the cafeteria someone suddenly shouted his name making him gaze at that person. Jimin, saehyun and jin.
They were both wearing a doctor's uniform but saehyun was wearing a operating uniform. *guess she'll be operating someone today* he thought.
He suddenly smiled and approached the doctors.

"Hey guys! Aren't you guys all doctors?" Jungkook eyed them.

"Yes we are but we are different kinds of doctors im a neurologist jimin is a psychologist and saehyun is a surgeon" jin explained.

Jungkook was about to speak when saehyun suddenly forced herself to bumped her head to the table.

"Err...what's wrong hyunnie? You look like a gloomy mushroom" jimin asked the mushroom girl.

"Maybe its the month of the blood" jungkook stupidly said. Causing saehyun to smack him in the arm.

"Oww noona! What was that for?!" He whined.

"Pabo! Its just...the nurse who was working for me resigned." She sighed.

"Oww that namdoom? Najoon?" Jimin pronounced his name incorrectly.

"Yah! Its kim namjoon pabo!" Saehyun shouted at him.

Jungkook was about to interrupt when suddenly saehyun's phone vibrated.

"Oops i gotta go see you guys later" she said then hurriedly went to the operating room.

"Well i should get going to. I dont want to be late at my first day" jungkook chirped and left the 2 doctors.


Jungkook arrived at the room where choi seungho was located.

"Oh jungkook right? We need to hurry dr. Kim is now in the operating room we shouldn't get her mad" he said and they both started walking.

"Why we should be in a hurry doc? Whose dr. Kim by the way?" Jungkook asked eyeing the doctor.

"She's kim saehyun our senior. Shes been working here for so long even though im older than her. She has the highest ranking in this hospital. All of her operation was a success. She never lose a life when shes the doctor. I just heard it in the rumors though." Seungho explained to the coconut head boy.

"Saeyhun? Lets hurry now. Shes been a gloomy mushroom few minutes ago" jungkook explained and hurriedly went to the operating room.

"Oh great were all complete. Since my favorite nurse has resigned dont make me mad okay?" Saehyun gave all of the members a scary gaze.

"Yes doc!" They all saluted.


"Jungkook hand me the scalpel" seungho said.

Jungkook handed him the scalpel.

"Jungkook bring the blood packs here. The patient is running out of blood." Seungho instructed again.

"Where should i get it?" He asked he doctor.

"Go to the counter and find nurse minjae. He knows where it is" he instructed.

Jungkook then went to find minjae. He spotted the guy and immediately approached him.

"Hey..can i have 2 packs of blood packs? The blood type is A" jungkook asked.

"Yea just give me a sec" he paused.

"Just give it to me please were in a middle of a surgery" jungkook said impatiently.

Minjae suddenly took the blood pack while his other hand was busy scrolling through his phone.

"Thanks" jungkook immediately ran to go to the operating room.

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