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Its been a few years.

The company of jeon and kims seems to be more powerful because of the collab. The doctors of the famous seoul hospital became the world most successful doctors in asia. Many international people wants to offer them bigger than korea but they intended to stay at their country. As for the 3 rappers became really famous cause their music was a BOP.

Saehyun and jungkook's relationship became really strong like nobody can separate them.


"Good morning ms. Kim" jungkook's secretary bowed to her.

"Morning...what is jungkook doing today though?" She asked the secretary.

"He's at a meeting"

"Can you please tell me what are the other schedules he had for this day? My mom wanted to talk to him" saehyun said and the girl checked through computer typing a little more and spoke.

"He have 2 meetings in the board after this and on 5pm and he had to talk to mr. Kim taehyung and lastly he needs to sign a lot like i mean alot of papers" she explained eyeing the girlfriend.

She sighed and spoke: "could you atleast just tell him to meet my mother and cancel all of his appointments? By the way when is the due date?"

"Tommorow at 8am" she replied.

"Umm thank you i guess? Tell him i visited" saehyun bowed at the secretary and left.

Strong relationship uh?


"Baby im home" jungkook tiredly said and sat on the couch without bothering to change clothes.

"Oh youre here" saehyun cooed helping him by taking off his blazer and socks.

"No-uh babe i can do it by myself" jungkook attempted to stand up but immediately got pushed back onto the couch.

"I got this. Dinner is served by the way" she said and brought jungkook's stuffs upstairs.

"Go change"

"Dont you have a surgery today?" Jungkook said while casually going upstairs following her.

"I dont cause jin oppa took them away from me" she groaned. "He said he needs extra money to buy a ticket and go to hawaii"

"Ohh thats unfortunate" he said taking off his necktie throwing them on the floor and also his dress shirt.

It didn't bother them that they change clothes infront of eachother because they know they'll do it in the future so why not do it now so they can get used to it?


They were now on the bedroom cuddling while jungkook was on his phone and saehyun watching television.

"So have you been planning on having a child?" Jungkook suddenly brought that topic up.

"I guess getting married before having kids?" She suggested. "Why did you asked all of a sudden?"

She eyed jungkook weirdly hiding his sly smile.


"Sir ms. Kim said if you could cancel all of your appointments today because mrs. Kim wants to meet you" his secretary jangsoo said.

"Hmm cancel my appointments family is more important than job" he said and took his leave.

A/n: at the kim's mansion.

As the gates opened jungkook went to the front door but was opened quickly from the maid.

"Everyone is waiting for you in the living room sir" the maid said leading him.

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