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     The mission was about to begin. However, there was one final job to be completed. You see, if the ghosts were to flush rovach to his yacht, they would need to disable security at his palace. To disable security at his palace would require a shit ton of electricity and a shit ton of electricity would require an unannounced visit to a state-run power generator.

"All right guys. You're clear to enter." A stressed Five sighed, she would be handling the information, feeding it to the inside team through the intercoms.

On that cue One, Seven and Zero ominously stepped out of a sleek, black car into the brisk morning air. They were all dressed in sharp suits, ready to infiltrate the high security power plant. Iris smirked confidently and she slipped on her large sunglasses, boy was she was ready to play.

Stone cold glares led them down winding halls into a very grey office where the trio hesitantly sat down into the extremely uncomfortable chairs.

"Manchester. Manchester and Farquarson. We're got a website, look it up." One said in an unexpected, very thick and very fake Scottish accent. "Inspection is our business. That's the slogan." Iris had to hold in her laugher as the male fully committed to what she could best describe as an abomination.

"And your name again?" The unimpressed worker side eyed the group as his keyboard rattled away noisily under his calloused fingertips.

"My name is Mr. Worthington. And these are my associates Mrs.Four and Mr.—"

"Ferjelpo." Seven muttered in, again a hideous accent.
"From Turgistan." The male fidgeted in his chair.

However Iris payed no attention to Seven's awkwardness as she slowly realised what name One had introduced her under. She gave him a short kick under the table, the pain in his shin causing a high pitched yelp that he played off as a cough.

"Cup. Compliment his wife." Five panicked, searching for a way to move the conversation along.
"Is that your wife?" One cheerfully commented.
"It's my daughter." He replied, unamused.

Iris squinted at the woman on the small mug, she could practically smell the stale stench of cats and otherpedic shoes from where she sat.

"She come out full grown?" One pried. "Just faked me out there with the grey hair and the wrinkles."

"How's about we move along." Iris grinned painfully. "We are here for an unannounced stress test."
"Plants three through seven, passed." One carried on. "And I have no doubt you will, too. The only failure was in plant two." He rambled.

"Plant two failed?" The employee smirked proudly.

"Ah, you know of Mr Noor?" Iris spun the web of lies.

"Noor is a fool." The older male chuckled and the trio politely laughed along with him.

"Noor is dead. Say he is dead." Five hurried them on. "Noor's dead. He is very dead." One echoed like a parrot.

     Iris' poker face however hid the panic that suddenly shot through her. Seconds later, Five corrected herself. Noor was alive. "Fuck. Just recover. Recover!"

     Seven played with his thumbs as he blankly stared at One, anxious as to how he would correct himself. One was an all or nothing kinda guy, instead of simply correcting himself and moving along, he did something much worse.

"Yeah. Poor sod was found with a belt, tied around his neck in a ... unfortunate masturbating accident." He sighed. "Ferocious masturbating accident. It was very sad."

This earned him a shift jab in the ribs from Zero's side as she mentally cursed him out.

"C'mon. We've all chocked ourselves, having a little choke. Haven't we?"

"At least he died doing what he loved, eh?" Iris chuckled, looking around she was only met with blank faces. "Just trying to diffuse the tension." She looked down.

     Zero had no clue as to how, but they were now sat safely outside the building. No security, no police, just the trio watching the orange sun set over the satiation. They were perched on the hood of the car they arrived in, simply enjoying the calm before the storm.

"Doesn't it ever bother you." Seven finally broke the silence "... to mean nothing to anyone? One wrong word and you'll just find a new Eight? Nine?"

"You know you'd think after all the people that have hurt me, left me, or just fucking died. I'd see the pattern and shut people out. As much as I like to pretend that I'm tough and no one means anything to me. I can't help but secretly fall in love with everyone I come across, how they act, how they talk, interact with the word. After so much shit you think I'd learn, but I find love within these messed up people." 

     Zero rested her head on the males shoulder. "Take One for example, complete and utter asshole, however I can't help but stick around." She giggled.

"You can't do the stuff that we do and have someone you love, Zero. You got attached with Six and he left us." He buried his hand in her silk hair. "You should stay away from Four. It won't just break you heart if he goes too, but shatter it. And I won't put up with seeing you that way."

"But isn't it worth it? Even if Billy dies tomorrow, at least I get the heartbreak. I would rather deal with the hurt of missing him, than the misfortune of never knowing him." The girl sighed.

"You've got a soul, man. You should let it out." Seven flashed a smile towards One.

"Maybe." He shook his head.

"Alright love, I've come up with a couple songs with names in the titles. We're gonna do a quick fire round. Ok?" Four ambushed the female, wrapping his toned arm around her neck, resting it lazily across her shoulders.

Even the sound of his voice brightened her day, let alone his touch, butterflies almost knocked her off her feet when he pulled her in. "Hit me." Her emerald eyes rolled playfully from underneath her aviator shades.

"Jolene. Delilah? Cecelia. Rosana, Ruby, Roxanna, Rhiannon. Am I even close with the Rs?"

"Not even close."

"Fuck. Don't have a unisex name do ya? Cause I mean, I'll need a whole other fuking list for that." He sighed.

"Just c'mon." She chuckled, intertwining her fingers in between his and leading the tall male towards where the rest of the ghosts were stood, looking down over turgistans tragic capital.

It simply looked grey, the whole city just oozed grey. You could feel the menochloy radiate from the streets, smell the morbid stench of death waft through markets and wade in the murky tears of the suffering people.

She squeezed Billy's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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