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Nightmare's POV

He was being stupid, just standing there. I was screaming at him to move but he just slowly turned his head toward the arrow. I could not lose him. When I first decided to make a team, I promised myself to protect them at all costs. I was immortal after all....so I did the only thing I could think of in that moment.

I teleported in front of him and incased him with my tentacles. When the arrow priced my stomach pain shot all over my bones. I just looked at him softly though. Am I.....smiling? He looked at me, then my wound, then me again. Right before I passed out, though I swear I saw his pupils. One could only see them when Killer truly felt something strongly. Were they shaking? I couldn't tell now, the world was too black to tell.

            Killer's POV

I had no idea what to do now. He and his goo were to heavy for me to carry by myself, cause I'm weak, I didn't want to leave him here incase the Star Sanses returned, and I was afraid of teleporting him and damaging his wounds even more. I had to think fast, if he blead to much he could lose oxygen to his brain. Even if he was a immortal he could still get brain damage or worse. The only thing being a god did was keep his soul beating, made him stronger, more powerful, and made people he chooses to keep around unable to die from old age. It did not stop pain, wounds, or anything that could happen to him without him dying.

I had no time to argue with myself, I choose the fastest way. I teleported him to our couch while I called for Cross. Only I,Nightmare, and Cross could heal. Judging by his wounds I was going to need help healing him. When Cross ran in he saw Nightmare immediately. He ran over and starting healing Nightmare, wasting no time with questions. 

'Good' I thought to myself 'I don't think I can talk right now'

Two other skeletons entered the room.  I could tell by there calm tone and there laughter that they hadn't noticed Nightmare yet.

Then Horror spoke "Hey Killer, Nightmare I got your breakfes-"

Horror stopped, I knew without even looking at him he had seen Nightmare. There was a long silence, the only noise was the sound of Cross healing Nightmare while I was using the medical kit on him.

Then I heard Dust scream, "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!"

My hands were shakings from all of the chaos, and I quickly glanced at Cross who cringed at the scream. Normally he would have went to his cabinet at such a loud scream, but he was to focused to care about it at that moment. Horror had took Dust in the other room, I think, and you could hear Dust panicking and screaming. While you heard Horror trying to shush him down.

Then I heard *THUMP* *THUMP* THUD*

I assumed it was Error, running down the stairs trying to see what was going on. Then I felt a pair of eyes staring. It had to be Error realizing Nightmare was hurt. Then I felt a boney hand on my shoulder. I glanced quickly at it to see who it belonged to. It was Error's boney hand, patting my shoulder softly. I was just about to ask what he was doing when I felt something hot run down my face. It was a tear, I had must have been crying this whole time.

I looked down at Nightmare, Cross was healing him still. I had bandaged him up all I could already. Now all I could do was wait for Cross to finish. He was almost done so there was no point of me wasting my energy on trying to help. Before I knew it Error had pulled me into a hug. How did I not realize he was hugging me till now. I guess I was to deep in thought to notice. 

I lightly pushed him away then I walked into the kitchen, so I could finally eat some breakfast.  Horror gave me my cereal, everyone was silent though. The silence was sickening, and it stayed like that until I finished my meal. 

Finally Dust broke the silence "What t-the hell happened out th-there, he looks awful."

I looked at him with a pout, unsure exactly what to say. I explained to them the walk, the attack,  the gaster blaster, and everything else. I explained till all there puzzled faces disappeared, then I went to go check on Nightmare. Cross's healing could only go so far against Dream's arrows.  Though when I entered the living room I couldn't help but be shocked. Nightmare was awake and....ON HIS PHONE! After we almost lost him he goes on his PHONE! I ran up to him and hugged him. He yelped in pain, I backed up surprised and worried. I realized I had hit his wound.

"Nightmare your awake!?!" I screeched.

He answered me hoarsely and annoyed, "Yes I am, but I would not have been out cold in the first place if you had just dodged that attack, now would I."

I looked at him guilt filling each word that fell out of my mouth, "I'm sorry" I mumbled.

He looked at me shocked, he then saw my sockets. They were red underneath from crying earlier. He glanced away from me and dismissed me. One by one everyone else entered, each wanting to hear his side of the story.

 I was deep in thought while I waited. 'Is he mad at me' 'why did he save me' 'will he be okay'

All I could do was worry. I didn't know why I was so worried, I just was. Then new thoughts came into my mind. Thoughts of getting revenge on the Star Sanses. Thoughts of killing them each one more brutal then the last. I still could not believe this all happened in just four hours of wakening up.

 I replayed everything that happened this morning in my mind again and again. Wakening up, him walking in on me, us talking, him getting hurt, me blasting them, Cross Healing Nightmare, and repeat. I then thought about each scene with more detail, up until Cross healed him.

 Healing, I need to heal. Everyone in our team needed to heal. Not like Nightmare needed to heal, not physical healing. We all needed to be healed mentally.  Yet no one could heal us. We were all too broken, that was why we were on this team in the first place. Wasn't it? Because we all needed something that no one could give us. We all needed Healing.

(Chapter 3 is done and chapter 4 is in the works, THANKS SO MUCH TO MY FRIEND zipperzoey who let me bounce Ideas off of them till I had this chapter's general plot down. :3 I HOPE YOU INJOY AND IM GONNA TRY TO GET CHAPTER 4 OUT LATER TODAY. IF NOT EXPECT TOMMOROW....sorry that this chapter was kinda on the shorter side. I kept getting distracted by loud noises, BYE :3(also thank you/shout out to Byshiee who is helped me last chapter with a few spelling mistakes (she also called me a Jem sooooooo :3) 1113 words)

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