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-4:00 am, day after Easter Spirt Always Stays-

Killer POV

I awoke in the middle of the night...don't ask me why....I just did. I had an urge to go see Ink. I knew it was late, but I decided to go anyways. I had fallen asleep in my clothes since I had cried myself to sleep. So I walked to Ink's room with nothing but my bunny. When I reached his door I knocked softly. I had no wish to wake him, I just wanted to see him. I could feel my soul pounding in my chest, just as I was about to return to my room the door slowly creaked open. There stood the creative skeleton, Ink. He had grey sweat pants on and no shirt. I don't blame him, it was very hot outside......just like him.....

" What's up Kills?" He yawned

I replied quietly, "Sorry for waking you, I just wanted to...." I paused.

" We redid your room today, do you still not like it?" he asked with a sad look on his face.

"It's no-not that at all!" I quickly studdered out, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. I loved my new room, it was my dream room. "I love my room Ink! I'm so happy with it, I was just wondering if I could....sleep with you tonight..." I felt like a baby asking, but I really didn't wanna be alone for some reason. 

It was like I knew something bad was going to happen that night.

He looked at me softly before opening his door. His room was dark, the only light was a faint nightlight that changed colors every few seconds. It went from red, to orange, to yellow, green, blue, purple, and repeated. It was relaxing, I could see how it could put you to sleep. He opened one of his drawers and I looked at him puzzled. He then pulled out a large pastel blue shirt. It had a kittenhood built-in.

Ink held it out to me, " It looks like it will be very big on you, even if it would fit me well," he softly chuckled at my size. "At least it will be soft to sleep in," he smiled warmly.

I nodded and thanked him before going to change in his bathroom. I put the hood up and didn't bother to roll up the long sleeves. I couldn't stop thinking about how hot he was without a shirt on, at this point, I had accepted my crush on him. It wouldn't go any further than a crush though, I wouldn't let it.

When I exited the bathroom I saw Ink was already in bed waiting for me. I crawled in bed slowly and he covered us both up. I held my bunny gift close to me. Before I knew it though, he was holding me against his chest. He was warm, and I couldn't help but blush. I could feel my checks lightly heat up into a red blush. I snuggled my head into his chest and purred. Even though I quite liked all of this, something seemed off. I couldn't place my finger on it though Before I knew it, Ink's breaths were slowed and his eyes were shut tightly.

I lightly fingered his cheekbone and traced it down to his throat. I then traced that down his spinal cord. As I gently traced his spine, he shivered a little. While he shivered he made a weird sound, I thought nothing of it. I stopped after that, instead, I purred more. It only took a few more minutes for me to fall asleep as well.



I woke up to the small skeleton squirming in his sleep. The young skeleton, known as Killer was cuddled up to me. He was a very cute skeleton I had to agree, but atlas I felt nothing towards him. For I was emotionless deep down.

I could slowly feel my emotions fading but I had drunk enough earlier to get me through the night. So I knew I was just overreacting, anyways back to the small skeleton. He squirmed and whined a little. He then let out a soft whimper, before going silent. He stopped moving, and for a moment he seemed to stop breathing. This quickly alerted me something was wrong with him.

I softly shook him, hoping to wake him from this nightmare he was in. Mostly because I didn't want Nightmare able to track him through his night terrors. His eyes spiked open before he started to breathe quickly. His breaths were quick and short, and it seemed like he couldn't catch his breath. I started to panic, I hoped this wasn't some form of a panic attack. I nuzzled his neck, I heard trough Dream that it was a good thing to do to calm people. Nuzzling them worked a lot he said.

As I nuzzled his neck I could feel his breaths slow. The breaths became long and shaky instead. As I nuzzled I glanced at his face. His eyes were now closed and his cheeks were red. I kept nuzzling, but I nuzzled softer now. He made quiet, cute, noises. I assumed they were warnings to stop. As I backed my head away from his neck, I could see him warmly smiling. I knew I have made the right choices.

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