Chapter One

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***Note: This book does include mature content and language. This will be the last warning distributed. Please enjoy. 

"Homework, complete. Surveys, complete. Hair, pulled back. Classic blue jeans and pink t-shirt, check. Deodorant, yeah I could use some of that.." I put my school bag on the arm of the couch as I rushed into the bathroom to apply some much needed deodorant. 

  The first week of senior year went by like a breeze. Not much to do other than introducing yourself to the same people you have gone to school with since pre-k. Today marks the day of the second week. Where everything is just now beginning to pick up. Homework in every single class. And yes I mean every class including gym.. I guess when you are like me, gym is not necessarily the easiest class in school. I am very uncoordinated and I am supposed to wear glasses but I figured why torture myself for my remaining year in high school? Oh and did I mention, I am not the skinniest girl in school. I am what most girls call curvy or what most guys like to call "thicc." 

  I picked up an apple off the kitchen table, grabbed my bag and rushed out the door to catch the bus. Yes I still ride the bus as an 18 year old high school senior. I have my license but money is kind of tight right now. I rushed out right as the big yellow bus came to a stop in front of my house. 

"Good morning youngin!" Pat shouted at me as I entered the bus, nearly causing me to fall back. Pat is my bus driver. Has been since I started school. 

"Morning Pat, How is Russell doing?" Russel being her 17 year old tabby cat. I babysat a few times for her grandchildren. Sometimes I would just need to lock myself in the bathroom of her doublewide trailer to get away from the rowdy children. Russell was always there to keep me company in the middle of the chaos. 

"Russell is just Russell always has been, always will be to the day he heads to big litter box in the sky. Best get moving sweetie, don't want to make you kids late." 

  I walked down the aisle to my normal spot in the back. High schoolers were instructed to sit in the back while grade and middle schoolers sat in the front since they got let off first. I would just go and get a car. I do work a pretty well paying job at the town bank. The only problem is I am saving up for college. Over the summer my father ended up in the hospital due to heart disease. It took every penny we had to pay for his medical bills including my college fund my dad was saving up ever since I was born. I kept thinking once dad got better and got out of the hospital he and I could make our business, sell stuff to get the money back. Dad never made it out of the hospital. We went broke paying for funeral expenses. I did not just lose my dad that day, I lost myself. My dad was the only one I felt like loved me for me. I have always had an issue with image, but dad made me feel confident in my own skin. When he died so did I. That is why I promised myself that I would study hard and work harder to get the money to go to college just like he planned for me. He always dreamt that I would attend UCLA just like him and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. 

  The bus pulled to a stop in front of West View High School. My home away from home. I scurried to the front of the bus and hopped down the steps. I waved to Pat as the bus pulled away to be parked in the bus lot down town. I took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in. I was pushed by a screaming freshman holding what was left of his Chemistry report followed by three 10th graders chasing him down the hall. I regained my balance and continued to my locker. Locker B157, one of the best lockers to have. Easy access and it opens without having to call the janitor to beat it open. Lockers like mine only come to seniors who have over went enough torture throughout the years to earn it. I exchanged my school bags for my books, and went on my way to first period. I sat my books down on my desk in the front of the class and headed to the bathroom as I still had five minutes until final bell rang. When I entered the stall I pulled down my pants and underwear and released my liquids. In the stall next to me I heard moaning and groaning. I am pretty sure someone is getting lucky this morning. I stood up pulling up my clothes and flushing. I exited my stall the same time as the two lucky love birds next to me. The guy scurried out of the girl's restroom and the girl went straight to the mirrors to fix herself. This girl being none other than Beth Clampet, aka, my bestfriend. 

"Josh, really?" I mocked as I stood beside her washing my hands. Beth was straightening her blouse and fixing her makeup. 

"He's hot, and not too mention has great package. I havn't had sex like that in a long time." 

"You're seventeen, how many times could you have had sex?" I quickly held my hand up as I really did not want to know the answer to that. 

"Look who's talking little miss virgin at eighteen. You know I have plenty on guys with great features for you if you know what I mean." Beth playfully elbowed me winking. 

"Yes I know what you mean, and no I am not interested. I have to focus on-"

"Getting into UCLA and making dad proud," Beth said at the same time as me mocking me. "M, you know your father will be proud with whatever path you choose as long as you are happy."

"I just feel like if I don't get in, I am letting him down." A tear began to form as I quickly wiped it away with my sleeve. 

"I know M, I know." Beth and I left the bathroom heading to first period together. 

  When the bell went off, every one in class gathered their stuff and hurried out the door. I stayed for a few seconds writing down the assignments so I would not forget. When I finally walked out of the classroom a bright yellow flyer across the hall caught my eye. I walked towards it and as the words become more clear I was able to make out what the flyer said. 

"Open interviews at UCLA, Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Wear professional attire and meet your future Dean of the University!! Prospective students only." 

I took the flyer off the board and shoved it into my school bag. This could be my chance. Make a great impression on the dean and I could see myself with a full ride scholarship to UCLA by next fall. It is all coming together now. 

"I'm going to make you proud dad, I promise."


Thank you for reading chapter one of That's Life!

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