" A Promise Future"

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~Growing up

You were Always told to go to School , Make good Grades, Graduate ,  Get a Good Job , Make money and Be Set for Life... Am I right

That's What they tell You and you Believe it and set your Mind to Failure.

I say Failure beacause alot of Young Adults like me believe in there "Dream" and when they Don't achieve, They feel like they lost and can't Breath.

So "What is a Promise Future?"

I don't get it  they "Promise" alot of things and it turns out there not kept.

Your Promised to Succed if you get Good Grades and Graduate?,  In the "School System"   We were taught to be Intellectual Smart

But wait What if you

Don't have the Brains? Well let me tell you would have to be Physically Strong an "Athlete"

Don't worry an Coach would say I'll put you on my Team , But you have to be Good to get on the free Scholarship Train..

But wait there is more What if you Don't get the Free Ride on either Sports or Academics score ?.

Well your Just an By passer , Bystander ,Noone wants to hear your Plea , Your Just Another ticket for the Government to have some more  Long Green .

Sorry to say it but it's True,

So What is a"  Promise Future" I ask of you,

The "School system" is set up to fail you from keeping you from seeing what is right in front of you.

Tbh most of that shit we were Taught in School won't help you ,

So Why did they teach us this Shit because the System is Rigged .

"A Promise Future " , That is what they promised Me & You just like they promised a Million of others and where did that get them Nowhere.

"A Promise Future" is not Promised to you  Don't be blind , Create your own path and Shine.

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