Chapter Two

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PLEASE COMMENT! - I am a vigin to the writing side of wattpaders so please let me know what you think!


“Hello Femme, so glad to see you on time for once.” I gave a sarcastic smile in Greg’s direction. He’s what you would call my boss, but really we both no who calls the shots and it defiantly isn’t Gregory with his thick rimmed glasses and sickly ginger receding hairline. What? You thought everyone who went to heaven shone with beauty from the inside or some sappy crap like that… sorry to burst your bubble but some people are just plain ugly even in the after life. Kinda disappointing huh? Poor guy can’t even get laid in the after life what kind of heaven is that?

“Please tell me you’re here to take over my shift? I scored some Philadelphia cheese from Leo’s mini fridge I’ll let you have it if you swap with me!” I said putting on my best seductive smile and lightly touching his rigid right hand with the clipboard clasped firmly to his chest.

“U-u-umm humph, I-I don’t know if that’s…” Greg pushed up his glasses with his left hand, while taking a step back and glaring at me. I took two steps closer invading his personal space and whispered “Oh please Gregy…”

Greg’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down twice as he swallowed before he spoke again. “O-o-okay sure Femme but just this once okay? Maybe after…we could…maybe go to the cloud 9 bar...”

“Thanks Greg you’re a life saver! But sorry I can’t I already have plans! Thanks again I’ll catch you later!” I quickly walked around the nearest corner and hid between two thick archways and pissed myself laughing as quietly as heavenly possible. Gosh I would be going to hell if I weren’t already in heaven. But hey a girl’s gotta have a little fun around this place of pure boredom and he made it just too easy.

 As I walked back to my room I decided to take the long way, through the vines and passed the old brick pathway that loops in and around the Far East pond. I come here sometimes just to escape all the disappointing looks and snide remarks. After the accident three weeks ago everyone has been ignoring me that little bit extra. Which is fine with me seeing as I don’t particularly like there pure pasty white asses anyway.

A nails on chalk sound echoed through the speakers on the side of a building near by destroying any sence of serenity “Femmelya please report to the main head quarters your meeting has been rescheduled.”

Shit. He knows already maybe I could just pretend I didn’t hear and sneak out the…

“Femmelya please report immediately!”

Gahh! I did a u-turn around the pond and walked back through the vines and down towards the main building.

But anyway I guess I should explain why I am currently walking to what could be the end of my raph career. Three weeks ago I attempted “The fall”, I mean I wasn’t suicidal I just wanted to know what was on the other side…or the bottom…I dono however you want to word it I just wanted something different, something more then duties, white clothes, happy faces and pure thoughts.

I was sick of half assing a life that I didn’t deserve. So I fell…well attempted to anyway. I ended up with a concussion and a royal court hearing, which I must attend (right now) and state my reasons for attempting “The Fall”.

As I entered the huge cathedral and approached the secretaries desk she smiled politely, like they all do, and motioned for me to go through the heavy gold doors that led straight into a long narrow room lined with gold flaked wall paper and situated down the middle was a very long dark gold table with at least 30 chairs on either side.

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