Chapter Eleven

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"So now they're literally chasing down this evil robot that wants to kill them all?" 

"Geez, keep your voice down, Spence. We don't exactly want it to become a global crisis just yet." Quinn joked with a smile. 

"Well, you certainly had an eventful weekend. I'm so glad that I didn't push to come to New York with you."

"Well, I'm going to go back up there in a few weekends time when I can get time off. My Dads weren't exactly happy when I didn't go visit them.

"Oh, of course. Miss Exhibition-Planner you're too busy gazing into Steve Rogers' eyes to go visit your parents." Spencer exclaimed, nudging Quinn's side. "How did the proposal go anyway?"

"They were happy with it all, they just wanted a few more days to come to a decision, then I get properly started with organizing all the artifacts and information."

"God, I'm so proud of my best friend. Do you hear that everyone I'm proud of my best friend!" Spencer shouted to the crowded square, his hands against his mouth amplifying the sound as Quinn looked away embarrassed. 

"Stop that!" Quinn said, pulling his hands away. "You're making a scene."

"I just want everyone to know the truth!" Spencer shouted again, causing eyes to snap towards the friends. However, Quinn was slightly distracted when her ringer tone echoed through the air over Spencer's shouting.


"This is Quinn Greene, right?"

"Ah, yes this is she. What can I help you with?"

"It's Clint Barton. I got your phone number from Steve, I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all Clint," Quinn replied back, gesturing wildly to her phone when Spencer only continued his loud, erratic movements. "What's the matter?"

"We all took a pretty hard hit trying to stop Ultron, the whole teams in a bit of a daze and it's not good."

"I'm so sorry, Clint. Is there anything I can do?"

"I'm currently flying the team to my house, do you think you could meet us there? Steve needs you."

"Sure, I can meet you all there."

"Oh, awesome. Thank you so much, Quinn. I'll send you the address."

"It's not a problem, I'll see you soon."

"See you soon, Quinn." Clint's voice farewell before the call came to an end. 

"Who was that?" Spencer asked once Quinn had lowered her phone back into her pocket after looking at the address now displayed on the screen. 

"Clint Barton." Quinn replied. 

"Woah, really? What did he want?"

"I've got to go. Steve needs someone to talk to."

"Oh of course." Spencer replied with a suggestive grin. "So what's the excuse going to be this time to get out of work? You know since you met Steve you seem to be missing a lot of work."

"Yeah I know, but even then I got the promotion and you didn't."

"Ouch, Quinnie. That hurt, right here." Spencer joked, pointing towards his chest. 

"I'm sure you'll live," Quinn replied with a grin. "Come on, let's go get me out of work. I'm thinking the excuse that the Avengers need me will do the trick."

"You wouldn't."

"I very much would."

Quinn Greene shut the door on her car with a slight thud only to see the very man she was looking for following the god who had stormed out of the quaint farmhouse in front of her. 

"I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here." Thor said before using his hammer to lift himself into the sky, leaving Steve there deep in his thoughts. 

"Hey, stranger," Quinn called just as Steve turned to head back inside. 

Steve took a quick moment to shake himself out of whatever he was thinking out, before spinning around, his eyes widening in surprise as they met Quinn. 

"What are doing here?" Steve questioned in confusion. 

"Clint called me. Said you might need someone to talk to." Quinn replied but upon seeing the hesitation deep within Steve's eyes she soon backtracked. "But I can always leave if you don't feel comfortable with me here."

"No." Steve suddenly said firmly. "Please, stay."

"Alright, I'll stay," Quinn replied, still leaning against her car. "We can walk it you want?"

"Sure." Steve replied, walking over to Quinn's side as the two of them started on an obscure path around the outside of the farmhouse."

Quinn took a deep breath in before finally asking the question that eventually needed to be asked despite the brief explanation Quinn had received from Clint. 

"What happened, Steve?"

"Everything. The little witch girl messed with everyone's heads. It's just all going terribly." 

"Yeah," Quinn replied, giving Steve the chance to explain everything if he chose to.

"We've never been hit like that, the whole team just ripped apart just like that." Steve sighed. "I don't know what we are going to do."

"Well, you'll do something. I meant everything I said that night of the party, you guys will get out of this." Quinn replied. 

"Yeah, you're right. We just need to shake this off and then we'll be back on our feet." Steve replied with a brief smile. 

Quinn's smile only grew once she caught sight of Steve's smile. "You know I think I have superpowers as well."

"Really?" Steve's smile slowly growing at he stared at the blonde. "I would love to hear this bizarre theory of yours."

"Whenever you are in my presence you can't help but smile. In fact, I'm so immensely powerful that you can't help but smile right now!" 

"Ahah sure." Steve laughed, pulling the blonde into his arms. "If that's the case you are powerful in more ways than just the one."

"Really?" Quinn asked, raising one eyebrow playfully. 

"Because I don't know what I would do without you."

Quinn's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at Steve, his eyes shining with something unfamiliar. He opens his mouth almost to continue speaking but soon shuts it again, eventually resulting in Steve removing his arms from around the blonde's tiny form, taking her hand instead as the two of them continued on their walk. 

"You know Clint put Nat and Aquila in a room together?"

"Yeah?" Quinn replied with a smile, knowing exactly where this conversation was going.

"I'm just hoping it will give the two of them the final push together. They've been stepping around each other for far too long. I thought the advice I gave Aquila at the party would finally do it but still no."

"Look at you giving romantic advice. I didn't realize you had that much experience."

"Excuse you," Steve exclaimed in mock offense. "I've had plenty of experience."

"Steve, who are you trying to fool?" Quinn joked. "Don't forget I know literally everything there is to know about your life, so don't argue with the historian."

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