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"hearin, can we talk?"
i saw ara walked up to me.
she had glossy eyes,
and red puffy cheeks.
her mood turned to blue.
"hey, what's the matter?"
"it was me, i guess i went too far."
"i messaged him. we were already getting along as friends, but being the idiot i am, i asked a lot of questions - personal questions to be exact. he blocked me, and i think he asked a friend to message me that i shouldn't contact him anymore." she cried.
"ara, who wouldn't feel uncomfortable to that? if i were to put myself in jimin's shoes, i'd feel the same."
"i know, that's why i learned my lesson. i guess i was being too friendly wasn't i?" she chuckled.
"yes you were, dummy. now c'mere." i opened my arms to her for an embrace.
"i wanna apologize for real, but it's just hard you know? he doesn't even wanna see me."
"time will pass, don't worry."

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