crush; explanation on haerin

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so, i'm not sure if you're wondering
about certain things in the plot,
but this story took inspiration from
true events- if i have to say it again.

i've debated whether or not to write
this chapter, since i wanted you guys
to interpret it the way you want to
understand it- especially the characters,
but i have decided to do this to tell you
what the characters really think-
specifically haerin, and
if ever this book gave you lack of
understanding, or if it was
inadequate to you.

so, i have to introduce this again.
if you can already tell, haerin
was just someone who didn't
really mind anything at all. of course,
she had a friend named ara, who likes
a person, jimin, from a higher
year level.

you see, ara would always update
haerin on all things about jimin, like
the typical girl who'd crush over someone
and would tell you what happened to
her day with the thought of her crush.

here's the thing about haerin:
she only realized that she has liked jimin
for quite sometime now, when she
performed with her band.

it all started when ara introduced
her to jimin singing, when he first made an insta account. to say it in short, haerin's
feelings for jimin grew slowly day
by day ever since then- without
her realizing it, because she was

she was confused why she felt
all weird whenever jimin would pop

she was confused why she really
had the guts to talk to jimin for
ara's sake in the first place- or did she
really do that to have the opportunity to
talk to him as well? or both?

that's why the first and last chapter are
actually connected (they literally
happened on the same day.)

and that is also why, the chapters
are written word per word (i did not
expect that i'd be trapped in this whole
thing because now i've grown to like you) if
you read it vertically, wherein haerin
grew feelings for jimin as it represents
a trap.

maybe, haerin did feel a little bit selfish,
but she did care for ara. it was never
her intention to help ara move on from
him just so that haerin could steal him
from her (steal ain't the right term
since ara and jimin were never a
thing, but you get what i mean?) may i
remind that it was ara's decision to do so. haerin was just confused all along before realizing that she likes jimin.

she may have fixed the issue between
ara and jimin, but that really
wasn't all of that.

(by that^ i mean i'm still not sure
if i should write a second book because
it doesn't really end there. in the first
place, i wanted to write the whole thing,
and add more chapters, but i got lazy.
so basically if i actually did, there
wouldn't be a sequel.)

of course she felt bad for liking her
best friend's crush, even though ara
"moved on," but she knew that deep
inside, ara still have those tiny
feelings hidden deeply for jimin.

i may be throwing her some shade
right now, but seriously, it's a
crush. she may feel selfish
even though she was never his.

p.s. i literally almost spoiled more shit
when writing this but i gotta stick to
the explanation of this plot yknow.

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