20. Be my girlfriend?

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Billie's POV
I wake up to the feeling of the sun hitting my face, when I open my eyes I see some of the people here are up already.

Calvin and Seth are laying on the beach, talking and laughing and Eli and Liz are in the sea and I don't see a lot of the Reds. Adric and Jason are hanging a little further on the beach.

I sit up straight and rub my eyes. "Goodmorning beauty." I hear Jules say next to me. "Goodmorning." I mumble and give her a small smile.

"For how long have you been awake? It feels like it's already midday." I say. "I don't know, I don't have a clock." She answers. "What I do know is that Robbie gave all of us swimming suits and that I wanna go for a swim with you." She answers. "Ugh, no Jules, I really am not in the mood." I sigh and let myself fall down again with my head on the leave that were meant to be my pillow.

"But Robbie also said we had to tell the ones who are not awake yet that we do have to go get our swimming suits and try them on, because we will need them for the task thingy today." Jules says then. She gets up from the place where she sleeps and sticks a hand out to help me up. I grab it and she pulls me up, to only wrap an arm around my waist and pull me closer. "You are such a cutie. Did you know that?" She asks before giving me a kiss.

She's not even caring anymore who sees us. I mean, Robbie clearly doesn't mind, but Jax is a whole other level. If it wasn't for Calvin, I don't know what would've happen between him and Jules. Calvin is probably loosing his bandana tonight. I'm pretty sure about that one.

"Alright, come on." She says and grabs my hand to drag me along to the boat to get our swimming suits.

"Lady's, what can I do for you?" Robbie says as he puts his book aside and takes his sunglasses of to look at us. "Our swimmingsuits." I say and roll my eyes at him. He's clearly enjoying this whole thing. "Give me a sec, I'll be right back at you." He smiles and gets in the boat only to be back in a few seconds with our clothes. "Billie." He says and hands me mine. "Jules." He says and hands her hers too. "Oh and I'd say use the cabines to change, but no one build any, so figure it out." He smiles. "Also, don't worry. I'm not looking at the screens until the next task, 'cause I ain't wanne see any of y'all naked. Alright. I'ma go back to my reading." He says and puts his glasses back on.

"Where should we change?" I ask as I look behind me to look at Billie, who was walking a little behind. "I don't know, maybe we should collect branches and stick them together or something into a little covering thingy and use that one. We could hide it somewhere so that we have at least something for when war breaks out." I suggest. "War?" She frowns. "You think Green and Red are gonna be this nice to each other for I don't know how long? We are the only Red and Green members that actually get along, the others are just acting or not even trying to act, so yeah. I think we'll be able to use something like that sooner or later." I explain.

"Alright, let's go collect some wood." She nods.


"This is never gonna work." I say, trying to hold my laugh when I see Jules basically having a fight with the branches.

"No, no I got this." She says and turns her back to me so that I can't see her struggling anymore.

"Done." She says and turns around again, showing what she made. It looked pretty cool, we could like totally use that as a fleet or something on the water.

"That's cool, looks strong." I nod with a smile. "Are you talking about the fleet or my muscles?" She asks, flexing them. "Oh my god, you didn't just do that. You're an idiot." I laugh. "At least one that made you laugh." She grins.

"Anyway, I'ma go first." I say and made her hold the thing up while I change behind it.

Robbie had given all of us the same swimming suits: white swimming trunks with a white swimming vest type thing.

Kill me, if you dare (Billie Eilish)Where stories live. Discover now