MTW 1: Worried

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Ram was looking for a book in calculus at the engineering faculty library. He was having difficulty locating it because the copies of it are limited. He was about to give up when something hit his head. He turned around to look, only to find King smiling at him with a book on his hand.

"Nong, are you looking for this?" King showed the book he was holding, it was what Ram was looking for.

Ram nodded his head. King gave it to the junior. "Do you need help with that? I have free time so I can teach you."

The junior only stared at him.

"Aish, okay. Let me teach you then. Other problems and solutions in that book can be confusing. Let's go!" King, being outgoing as he is, pushed the junior back to the table where he was studying.

He grabbed the worksheet lying on the table and looked at it. "Oww. This can be quite confusing. Let's have the book." Ram handed him the book while he was just staring at his pushy senior.

Teaching Ram was not difficult for King even though he was just nodding or shaking his head whenever the senior would ask him if he understood it, King was very patient.

When Ram finally understood the topic, King needed to leave because his class would start soon. Before they separated, Ram sent him a message.

Thank you Phi. Let me treat you for helping me again.

King smiled and waved at his junior who was now at least three meters away from. "Then I'll accept your offer." he shouted.

Afternoon class has ended but King and his friends needed to help Tee with the volunteer work. Ram and Phu were there as well.

King was doing some woodwork in a corner when Tee suddenly surprised him from behind leading to him accidentally cutting a part of his index finger.

"Ahhhhhh!" King screamed because of him being surprised and feeling pain from the cut.

"Ahhh! Ai'King, sorry!" Tee also screamed then he immediately attended King.

His friends rushed to King and led him to the nearby table. His finger was bleeding severely. Ram who heard him screamed looked worried from afar. He wanted to check on King but his friends were already surrounding the senior.

"Ai'Tee! What did you do? You shouldn't joke around when someone was doing woodwork because they have sharp objects with them!" Bohn scolded.

"Sorry, sorry. I just want to check on King but... "

"Can you all please stay calm? Let me just fix this."

Seeing that none from his friends brought a first aid kit, King stood up and was about to leave to take care of the cut by himself. Ram saw this and he immediately ran then drag King.

"Oi, nong, where... " King didn't finish his sentence anymore because he saw the poker face junior having a serious aura around him.

Ram brought him to the nearby faucet. He held King's hand then run the water to his bleeding finger. King hissed because of the sudden pain but what made him more curious is the reaction on the face of his junior. He looks worried and anxious.

King smiled. "Nong, thanks for this. I can already handle it. I'll just to go the clinic and let them dress it for me. "

Ram looked into his eyes. King didn't hear any words from the junior but it's as if he knew what he was saying. After a few seconds Ram stands up and drags King again. The senior was not sure where the junior would exactly bring him but he trusts this young fellow.

A few more walk, they arrived in the university clinic, luckily, it was still open. Ram went to the front desk to ask for assistance but King spoke first.

"Phi, I accidentally cut my finger, can I get it treated?" he politely asked.

The receptionist looked at King's finger that was still bleeding and dripping some blood. The nurse led him to the dressing area to treat his wound, Ram silently followed.

While his wounds were being treated, Ram didn't leave King's side. He was just there, silently observing. When the nurse was done treating his cut, the two engineering boys headed back to the volunteering work area. Before they can even get close to it, Ram holds King's arm again.

"What is it nong?"

Ram shakes his head. King tilted his. The junior typed in something to his phone then King's phone rings. A message from Ram.

Shouldn't you just go home and take a rest?

King looked at Ram. "I can still work. It's not like I'm disabled now."

It's not like you're the only one who's working.

The senior tilted his head again and was now contemplating. Ram has a point though but he's curious again with one thing. "Are you worried about me?"

Ram didn't respond but his eyes were staring directly into King's eyes. When the senior felt those piercing orbs looking at him, he felt conscious in an instant. He averted his eyes and cleared his throat.

"Okay, okay. You have a point nong. Let me just go and get my things then I'll go home. Is that fine with you now?"

Ram nodded.

When they reached the working area, his friends approached him again and checked on his finger. "You okay now, King?" Tee asked.

"Yes, but I need to go home now, I think I can't do anything with my fingers bandaged like this for now."

"Go go go. Do you want me to send you home?" Bohn offered.

"Aish, no need, I have my car with me."

"Can you drive?" Boss inquired.

"Of course! It's only a finger, I can still drive."

"Owwww." all of them reacted.

"Then, how about we let Nong Ram go with you? Since he looked worried about you earlier and even went with you to the clinic, yes?"

"Oi, no need!" King wanted to stop Tee but he was already calling the silent guy and talked to him. King can only facepalm.

After a few seconds, Tee dragged Ram to their circle. "Oi King, Nong is willing to accompany you."

King sighed. "Nong, you don't have to, I can..." again, he wasn't able to finish his sentence because Ram was already extending his hand as if he was asking for something. The senior sighed again. "Okay, fine, I get it."

The two walked together to the parking lot where King's car was parked. "Nong, you don't actually need to go with me, I can drive fine," Ram was only staring at him. "How about I drop you off first so.." He heard his phone's notification.

Let me treat you first for helping me earlier.

"Oh right. it is. Yeah. Then, let's go."

While having dinner, King consistently asked Ram about the foods he doesn't eat. He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake with the ginger. As usual, Ram just kept on nodding or shaking his head when King would give names of food, vegetables, fruit, desserts, or anything. King was so patient and accommodating with Ram's attitude.

After eating, King insists that he can go by himself. He doesn't want to burden the junior anymore. Ram didn't want to agree but after King assured him that he'll send a message to the junior once he arrived at home, Ram eventually accepted the deal.

King: I just got home. Thanks Nong.

Ram: 👍 I should be the one to thank you Phi. Get well.

King smiled while reading the junior's reply. He knew that the kid was too careful in interacting but seeing Ram's attitude, facial expressions, gestures and aura was enough for him to tell that he was worried about him.

"He can be nice in his own way." he mumbled to himself.


Welp! He cares for you King! Kyaaaa

Damn Tee, hurting our King but Ram is there to take care of you.

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