Chapter 1

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This is but one of the legends of which the people speak...

Long ago, there existed a kingdom where a golden power lay hidden. It was a prosperous land blessed with green forests, tall mountains, and abundant peace.
But one day a man of great evil found the golden power and took it for himself...
With its strength at his command, he spread darkness across the kingdom.
But then, when all hope died and the hour of doom seemed at hand...
...a young boy clothed in green appeared as if from nowhere. Wielding the blade of evil's bane, he sealed the dark one away and gave the land light.This boy, who traveled through time to save the land, was known as the Hero of Time. The boy's tale was passed down through generations until it became legend...
But then...a day came when a fell wind began to blow across the kingdom. The great evil that all thought had been forever sealed by the hero once again crept forth from the depths of the earth, eager to resume its dark designs.
The people believed that the Hero of Time would again come to save them.
...But the hero did not appear.
Faced by an onslaught of evil, the people could do nothing but appeal to the gods. In their last hour, as doom drew nigh, they left their future in the hands of fate.
What became of that kingdom...?
None remain who know.
The memory of the kingdom vanished, but its legend survived on the wind's breath. On a certain island, it became customary to garb boys in green when they came of age. Clothed in the green of fields, they aspired to find heroic blades and cast down evil.
The elders wished only for the youths to know courage like the hero of legend...

The wind blew like a quiet song over the vast ocean, creating calm waves in a slow and melodic tune. The sea moved gently as far as the eye could see, and the sky reflected its likeness of color, with many white clouds congregating with each other in the upper atmosphere. Seagulls flew in the warm breeze, hearing the songs that the wind had to offer while searching for fish in the water, and the many marine creatures swam up towards the surface of the ocean to catch the light from the warm sun above. The wind moved towards two large formations of rock that were connected in the formation of an island known as Outset, home of many green fields and trees, with sandy yellow beaches that met the resolute waters of the sea. A single forest rose from the summit of the island, and spires of rocks that had risen from the ocean lay beneath a large suspension bridge that met between the highest points of the island.
Many different houses populated the side of the island that met alongside the shoreline. They were crafted with simplistic materials: stone provided as a foundation, while wood was the primary material used for the rest of the building for the exception of the roofs, which were made of straw-like materials. Pathways of dirt and sand were paved through the green fields that surrounded these houses, and large palms rose from the fertile ground. Several large stones provided the basis for docks that extended over the water, where small boats could dock and provide materials for the island's inhabitants.  On one of these docks rose a large tower made of wood, much like a watchpost used by the islanders to view the ocean from a broader view.
On a porch outside one of the houses stood a little girl with hair of golden color. She had big, bright eyes, reflective of her young age, and wore a bright blue dress with designs of orange flowers that grow by the sea. In her hand she grasped a telescope, and yelled "big brother!" as she looked past several seagulls that landed behind her. She ran off the porch and across the shoreline that was welcoming the fresh light of a brand new day. She dragged her telescope in the sand, once again calling "big brother!!" and stopping to use her simple instrument to look around the inhabited portion of the island. Her name was Aryll, and she always seemed to be looking for her older brother, for on some days he would not come back to their grandmother's house at night for bedtime. Each time this happened, he would find a different place that he would happen to fall asleep at, yet one of the places that this had happened a lot was at the large watchpost that extended from one of the docks. She began running with her little legs up to the ladder that led to the top. On top of the deck lay Aryll's older brother, named Link, dead asleep on the warm wooden planks. He had golden-yellow hair as well, and his large, dark eyes were shut. He wore a blue shirt with lobster patterns on it, one of his favorite animals from childhood.
"Big brother!" Aryll called while remaining on the final step of the tall ladder, using her telescope once more to sight him, though he was directly in front of her. Her call woke him up, and he opened his large eyes with a confused and drowsy face. He looked at the ladder and could not find his sister, which confused the boy even more as to how he managed to fall asleep in the same place once again, and how his younger sister managed to find him. His body eventually encouraged his legs to stand up, stretching in the morning sun, though he was still half asleep.
"I knew you'd be here!" Aryll said, surprising the boy as she stood right next to him, innocently crossing her arms behind her back. "Hee hee hee! This is my favorite spot to gaze out at the sea. When I play with the gulls, I call it 'Aryll's Lookout.'"
"So," she said, "do you remember what day it is today?"
Link could not even remember how to speak sometimes.
"...You're still half asleep, aren't you?" his sister laughed. "Did you forget? Big brother, it's your birthday!"
All of the sudden, his face was full of surprise. How could he forget such a day? This means that everyone on the island will give him lots of attention due to his special day. In fact, everyone would give him all of the attention because every single one of the islanders knows him. On second thought, he'd rather not like that.
"Grandma has been waiting for you to come back to the house," Aryll exclaimed. "She's been waiting for a while now...well it's a good thing that I came to find you! You should probably go home and see what Grandma wants, don't you think?"
It was then that Link decided to return back to Grandma's house...hopefully without running into anyone that would give him more attention than he needed. He climbed down the ladder from the watchpost and walked across the long dock that connected to one of the pathways. The wind blew across the shore and into his ruffled hair. Several of the other children of the island were already out and about doing their morning chores, while one was fishing on a stone dock that bridged over a small inlet. Fortunately for Link, the boy did not remember that it was his birthday. However, as he neared his grandmother's house, one of the island children named Zill noticed him and ran towards him. Link always tried to avoid this boy, as he had a very odd condition: for some reason, a heaping glob of snot always ran from his right nostril, and he never bothered to use a tissue and wipe it. He began to joyfully jog after Link as he always did, yet Link tried his best to not completely ignore him.  Sue-Belle, one of the island's residents, was walking while holding a jar over her head on her way to collect water from a nearby spring and smiled at him. Link walked up to his porch and opened the wooden door to his house.
The house that Link and Aryll's grandmother dwelled in was quite simplistic, as the ground floor housed the kitchen and a table that they ate their meals at every day as a family. Above that was a loft where their beds were housed. He climbed the loft to find his grandmother standing there, happy as could be. His grandmother was a short lady, yet very joyful and wise beyond her many years. Link and Aryll meant everything to her, and she could not imagine her own life without taking care of them, which had always been her pride and joy since they were born. She would never allow misery or grief to overcome her despite her age due to the love that the family shared with each other. She always wore a smiling face, particularly in this instant as she greeted her grandson with peculiar green clothes folded in her arms.
"I've been waiting for you, Link," she said, handing him the green clothes. "Please...try these on. Time certainly flies...12 years old...I can't believe you're already old enough to wear these clothes."
The boy took the clothes with a very distasteful expression. They were made with a very unique type of fabric, and he thought that they might be a little warm for the island weather.
"Oh, don't look so disappointed, dear one!" Grandma said. "Those are the Hero's Clothes. Just try them on. Today is a day to celebrate! It is the day that you become the same age as the young hero spoken of in all the legends. You only have to wear them for one day, so don't look so down. Be proud, child!"
"In the olden days, this was the day boys were finally considered to be men. They were taught the ways of the sword to prepare them for battle with their enemies. But we don't live in suchan age any longer...our ways are the ways of peace. Nowadays, I suppose Orca is the only one on the island who still knows anything about swordplay."
These legends that Grandma had always spoken of always intrigued Link. Legends of heroes of the past who would slay monsters, rescue princesses, and save the world. However, nor legend or myth could stop Grandma from making him try on his clothes, so there was no point in resisting.
On the wall hung a green wreath with a brown shield of many different designs decorated across. "Hanging the family shield on the wall as decoration is another tradition that has been carried down from those days."
Meanwhile, Link was busy trying on his new clothes. It was a tunic with bright green sleeves with a belt that crossed his waist, white pants and brown boots, and a green cap that fit on the back of his head. Link thought that the cap was a large sock at first.
"Does all this make sense to you?" Grandma asked. Link nodded with an uncomfortable expression on his face. "Isn't that nice, Link? They suit you perfectly! A perfect fit! Well, tonight I'm going to invite the whole town over for your birthday party, so I'd better start getting ready, shouldn't I? Your grandma is going to make you your favorite soup tonight! Mmmm!"
Now that was something that Link could not resist.
"I just know you're looking forward to it! Now, go get your sister Aryll."
Link listened to his Grandma and left the house, running along the pathway. He walked by one of the houses and happened to come across Sturgeon, the island's bookkeeper, sitting on top of the roof of his dwelling. He shared a double-house with his brother Orca, who was the only person on the island that was trained in the martial arts. Sturgeon's house was the second story of the house, while Orca's was the first. Link once again traveled up the pathway of the village, where more people were out and about doing their morning duties. Sue-Belle carried her water from the spring back to her house up the hill, while Abe the gardener tended to some of the trees and flowers. Life on Outset Island was simplistic, with everyday tasks and duties helping to sustain life and peace. Link was headed towards the outpost tower when Zill began to follow him again, snot dripping out of his nose. However, his mother called him back to their house, and shouted "Happy birthday Link!" to the boy clad in green.
He climbed the tower and found his sister gazing off into the great blue sea.
"Ah! 'Hoy, big brother!" she exclaimed, turning to face him. "Did Grandma make that outfit for you? You look like you'd be way too hot in those clothes...well I guess they're pretty neat though!"
"So anyway, Link, can you...close your eyes and hold out your hand? Just for a second! I'm going to give you my most treasured belonging...but just for one day!"
From behind her crossed arms Aryll brought out her beloved wooden telescope. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she said. Link took the telescope and gazed at it from within his hands. He knew that this item was his sister's most precious item, one that she favored more than any toy or stuffed animal. He promised himself that he would treasure it dearly.
"So? Well? Do you like it? I'm letting you borrow this special gift just because you're my big brother! Aren't you lucky? Hee hee hee! Why don't you try it out right now?"
Link placed the telescope to his eye and saw their house through the lens, adjusting it to where he could see more clearly. "Look at the mailbox!" Aryll exclaimed. Beside the red mailbox by their house was a strange-looking deliveryman. He had an overly-large nose, and his hair was streamlined white with blue hints at the end. He placed several letters in the mailbox, looked around him, and suddenly began to flap into the air. His arms somehow turned into feathered wings, and he was flapping around like crazy!
"The postman looks kinda weird, doesn't he?" Aryll laughed. Suddenly, their attention was diverted from the postman when Aryll began to yell. "AAAAAHH! Link! The sky! LOOK UP IN THE SKY!!!"
Link quickly pointed his telescope into the air, wondering what his sister had been yelling about. It was probably a cloud, he thought, as she always finds great interest in the smallest things. However, when he looked up into the air, he saw something completely different. A giant bird swooped through the air, one with great talons and an enormous beak. It flapped its large wings slowly, as if with no apparent destination, yet upon further notice, he saw a person in the talons of the great bird. A large ball flew past the bird as it continued flapping away. He turned the telescope in the direction of the sound that pierced the sky and sighted a large boat sailing right towards the island. On its single mast was a large sail with designs of swords crossing each other, and above it was a flag that bore a skull and crossbones. "Pirates!" Aryll exclaimed. A large man stood at the front of the ship, urging the crew to continue firing their catapults armed with large rocks at the giant bird. As much as they tried, the boulders would not hit the bird as it swooped in different directions, avoiding a collision.
At this point, the islanders were in distress. Pirates had not raided the place in years, yet there was always a constant fear of their inevitable arrival due to older tales. However, no situation as terrible as this had ever washed upon the shores of Outset Island.
The giant bird looked down at the pirate ship, and at that moment another large boulder flew into the air, hitting its talons. The bird squealed in pain, dropping the person that remained in its talons into the forest at the top of the island. The bird flew off into the distance, unseen.
"Link, this is terrible!" Aryll exclaimed. "That girl fell into the forest! She needs help!...But it's too dangerous for you to go in there without something you can use to defend yourself with!"
Link nodded and quickly climbed down the ladder, running along the pathways of the island. Everyone was in shock over the events that occured. Taking word from his grandmother's conversation with him earlier, he headed inside of Orca's house nearby. Orca's house was much like a dojo, with a small ring for fighting, several weapons on the wall, and many different pots. Link had trained with him before and learned a few skills of how to fight, yet he never had a reason to put them to use, and now he needed those skills more than ever. Orca was an older man and in no good shape to  fight off giant birds and such, yet he had enough strength and will to teach Link. He was sharpening several of his spears when Link walked in.
"What is the matter, Link? You have an urgent look about you...whatever it is, from the look on your face I suspect it is no laughing matter. What say you?" Link did not feel like explaining the matter would help him, as Orca would become involved with the situation, which would not help due to his old age. "Ah, have you come for some serious instruction in the way of the sword?"
"Yes sir," Link responded.
"Very well then, my boy." Orca took a well-sharpened sword off of one of the shelves. "Take this, and we must stand in the center of the room. First, we must bow to each other before combat, as all warriors should do."
They did so, and Orca hopped back. Link hoped that this would not take too long.
"Very good. Your first lesson of today shall be the horizontal slice. Face me, and, well, swing horizontally, but do not fear for my safety... I am ready for you!"
Link eased up to him and swung his sword, with Orca blocking his attack using a spear. He continued to strike until the old man told him to cease from doing so.
"Good, now do that, but in a vertical position." Link struck with the sword more, feeling a bit of energy within himself, though his arm was growing more and more tired with each hit.
Next Orca taught him how to thrust with his sword, and the spin attack, which required holding the sword and spinning around.
"I will now teach you the parry attack. You must focus and find the perfect interval of time between yourself and your opponent, and swing around to their backside and strike them. Once again, do not fear for my safety." 
Link drew his sword once more and kept his eyes focused on Orca, and in the right moment, swung around to the old man's backside and struck his spear. However, it took him several tries to get it right.
"That was a fine display, young one," Orca said. "And yet...I sense a certain anxiousness in the sword you eagerness that goes far beyond the mere desire to be wielded on the fields of battle...I do not know what has happened, but I have faith in you. Somehow, I doubt you will misuse that sword. You may have it, Link. I give it freely. Take the blade with you. Since the olden days, this sword has been used to fend off evil. Its blade is infused with the desire to become strong and righteous. Be strong, Link." The two bowed once more, and the boy left the house in a hurry.
He made his way up to the part of the island that he had never been to before, and the pathway was blocked by several small trees. He took his sword and hacked at them, clearing the way up to the rocky summit. A large gust of wind blew at him, causing his green cap to blow in the wind. The large wooden suspension bridge lay before him, created by islanders long ago in an effort to connect the summit and the forest. Nowadays, no one ever ventured up to this part of the island, save for a few explorers and those who wished for a larger, yet more dangerous view of the ocean.  On a sign at the foot of the old bridge there was mention of the site of a "Fairy Fountain," yet it did not interest the boy as much as the person who fell out of the talons of the mysterious bird. Link began to cross the rickety old bridge, taking small steps to insure stability. The ropes that held it up were definitely not dependable, and even a tile of wood was missing from the middle of the bridge. He had to carefully jump across the small gap, and slowly walked to the other side of the bridge. From the bridge, he could see the entire island, and even the pirate ship that still remained in the distance.
On the other side was the entrance to the forest, which was covered by dense trees and rocks. It was hard for sunlight to even reach through the thick shade, and tall grasses grew all over the floor. There was an eerie feeling to this place, different from anywhere else on the island. Link had wondered about this place ever since his childhood, yet never had the chance to see it himself. In one of the trees he spotted a hint of color: it was the person who fell from the talons of the big bird! She appeared to be a girl with yellow hair that rolled up into a bun on her head, and she wore a blue shirt that was hung on the branch of one of the trees. She must be unconscious, Link thought. He traversed through the forest pathway when he came in contact with one of the most horrid creatures that had come across his big, bright eyes. It was a blue creature with a wide, gaping mouth from which two fangs stuck up, with stubby little eyes and two pointy ears. Its body was much like a human (for the exception of it being blue) and it stood hunched over, as if it were looking for something. Across its pants was a makeshift belt with a skull in the center, and it wore an ugly vest of stained orange. The creature caught sight of him and ran towards him, and it was in this moment that Link drew his sword and struck the creature. It fell back, picking itself back up and running towards him again. Link was scared of it and scared of harming it as well, for it was unarmed. However, it had an evil intention in its eyes, so Link struck it and it fell into the ground. It then turned into a mysterious purple cloud, which faded into the air. The only thing that remained was a single green Rupee, which Link gladly took.
After climbing a few ledges he reached a large rock with a sign in front of it, saying that inside was the Fairy Fountain. However, there was no way to access it, so he kept climbing several logs and into a larger clearing where sunlight was visible. Right as he did so, several birds flew overhead, much like vultures, calling with a very ugly crow. In their talons were two of the same creature that Link had just fought, and they were headed right towards him! The birds dropped the creatures onto the ground, and they growled their ugly faces at the worried Link. Not taking any chances, Link began to jab at one of the creatures, successfully knocking it to the ground. That left the other open, however, and it swung at the boy, hitting his arm. The hit startled Link, for he had never felt such a full force of pain at once, save for the several times he had fallen onto the ground when he was younger. This time it was intentional, and inflicted by two frightening monsters that he had never seen before. He struck the other creature, then taking down the one that had fallen to the ground. They both lunged at him once more, yet he held his position and swung his sword, striking both of their faces with a spin attack. They both disappeared into purple mist, much like the former, and left Rupees for him to collect. He checked his surroundings to make sure that there were no others as well.
At this moment the girl in the tree finally woke up from an unintended nap. Suddenly she realized that she was hanging above the ground, panicking and squirming around helplessly to try to free herself. The branch from which she was hanging began to snap, and as she continued to move, it drew closer to breaking. Eventually it did, and the girl plummeted from the top of the tree and onto the forest floor. Link, realizing that she had fallen, ran towards her.
"OOOWWWCH!!!" She said, picking herself up from the ground and dusting herself off. She eyed Link and looked at his tunic. "Wow. What's with that getup?"
Immediately Link realized that she was okay.
"Well, whatever," she said. "So, where am I...? Oh, that's right! That giant bird came and..."
"Miss! Miss Tetra!" A voice called from afar. One of the pirates that Link had spotted on the ship somehow made his way to the entrance of the forest. The pirate, a larger man, waved his hands in the air and quickly made his way to the girl. "Oh! Oh, thank...thank goodness! You're safe! When I saw you get dropped on this summit, I thought for sure you'd..."
The girl looked at the burly, yet clumsy man with great confusion. "Summit?" she asked. "So that bird dropped me on top of a mountain? Well, that wasn't nice of it!"
She began to run back to the entrance of the forest, leaving Link and the pirate standing there.
"Well, don't just stand there! Let's go! Time To repay our debt to that bird in full!"
The pirate held his arms in front of Link. "But, Miss...what about this boy?"
"Don't worry about him," she yelled from the forest's entrance. "Come on!"
The pirate looked once at him, and began to run to his apparent captain. Link decided to take after them as well; their business on the island was his as well, for he felt that it was now his job to help everyone on the island because he is old enough.

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