Chapter 2: High School Experiences (Part 2)

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Well, with some delay, but here is the second and last chapter of this fanfic, enjoy it


Upon arriving at his room, Miyuki lay down looking at the ceiling very thoughtfully until he began to murmur, taking advantage of the absence of his roommates, to sort out his ideas -... the more I think about it, the more ridiculous are the excuses that come to my mind to justify my actions, I undoubtedly wanted to ... kiss Sawamura - in saying this he brought his index and middle fingers to his lips - why can't I think of anything other than how his kiss would have felt ... I think that after 2 years of getting to know each other and, knowing myself too, I am able to admit once and for all that... I fell in love with him. Moreover, because of how I have behaved so far, I think it is obvious even for the blind. I must find a way to control this, if not ... it could change the relationship we have and affect his performance on the mound. –If you are the captain, behave as such!– He told himself, –think of the team, stop being selfish.

There was an intense internal struggle, since he became captain his responsibilities had increased and he had to become more and more self-conscious about what he wanted ... he wanted to be selfish again, at least once, he felt he wished he could share a special relationship with Sawamura , but ... how to check if his feelings were reciprocated? He didn't know how the boy would react after being bullied that way - he may have definitely screwed everything up. I'm a jerk! That jealous attack will be the regrets that take me to the grave.

The next few days he tried to talk to him, but his kouhai slipped from his hands every time he was about to catch him, he was definitely avoiding it. Already when he was at the limit, he went to the pitcher's classroom, entered and dragged him almost to the hall.

-Let me go now Miyuki Kazuya !! What do you want now? I already apologized that night !! –He exclaimed and then he completed his sentence with an almost imperceptible whisper –Although I still don't understand what I did to you.

-I'm sorry!!! I'm really sorry! I am the one to blame for everything - the catcher began his response - I know that I behaved horrible that night, but ... - he wanted to finish his sentence saying "that was because I die of jealousy every time I see you with someone else, I want you only for myself ", but what came out of his lips was something else — that was because... that day I had a couple of... problems and I ended up getting even with you, you don't have to worry, it doesn't have to do with you, I'm really sorry –At the same time he apologized for a subtle bow, but he didn't hear any response, so he looked up, only to meet Sawamura with a look full of confusion

-Who are you? ... You can't be Miyuki sempai, he doesn't apologize in such a sincere way, return him extraterrestrial !!! –Sawamura shouted as he shook the poor boy in his hands, while giving an expression of relief, he was happy that his captain was not upset with him.

In that unfruitful way the incident was "solved", but after supporting Miyuki on the floor, the captain put his fist on the pitcher's chest and said with a determined look –Sawamura... let's win the koshien!

-Of course!!! That is the plan, but what is the comment now?

-This summer will be the real challenge, when we win ... I ...

-What about you? Capi

He could not finish his sentence: "when we win, I will tell you what I feel" - hahaha, forget it, it is not important, when we win you will know - he turned his back and walked away, he already had another reason to win the national tournament.

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