The meeting

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Stampy's P.O.V
I was there, getting ready to start my video. "Hello, this is Stampy, and welcome to a minecraft let's play video. Today I'm going to be joined byyy L for leeeeee! Hello lee, how are we today? If your feeling good today, Jump up and down!" He jumped up and down. "Yay! You are feeling good today! Do you know what we've forgotten to do today, lee?" Lee shook his head. "My breakfast of course! ahh, thank you lee! Numnumnumnum!" and I am also going to be joined byyy Sqaishey!..." I had never seen her before. I know it sounds silly, not seeing your girlfriend in person before.She was beautiful. "Don't mind me, carry on with your video." she said. "Don't worry, we'll just start again. I messed up." I said.
We've finished the video. I took Sqaishey home and then went home myself. I had a eventful day, and just wanted sleep.

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