iv falling- modern high school au

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Day 4- Falling- Modern High School AU


"So then I-woah-!"


Elsa, who had been walking quite contentedly beside her best friend Jack as they made their way home from school through the snow, looked up in surprise as he cried out. There was a distinct absence of ‘Jack’ on her left, and she had just begun to wonder what had happened to him when there was a groan by her feet.


“Ow.” The boy complained, sitting up and rubbing his head with a wince. “Thanks for the warning, Els.”


Elsa snorted involuntarily with laughter, then clapped a hand over her mouth quickly to disguise her giggled, but it was no use. Soon she was doubled over, her right arm clutching her stomach and her left covering her mouth as the giggles escaped her. He just looked so entirely ridiculous that she couldn’t help but laugh.


“Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?” Jack raised an eyebrow at her, a small smirk making its way to his lips that Elsa was too distracted to notice. As she nodded her confirmation, still laughing behind her hand, he reached up and grabbed her wrist tightly, pulling her down to the ground next to him.


At least, that was the plan.


Unfortunately for the two of them, Elsa’s foot slipped on the ice as she was tugged down and instead of falling next to Jack she landed...on top of him.




“Ow!” Jack grunted as she fell on his chest, but he was laughing too, her wrist still clutched tightly in his grip, his other arm around her back. She was so close he could count the freckles on her nose beneath the powder she wore, see the gentle white puffs of air as they escaped her lips. Her glasses had fallen crooked when she fell and he reached up, still half laughing, and pushed them up her nose.


“Um-” Elsa stuttered, and Jack could have sworn her cheeks were flushed. She attempted to get up, but couldn’t get free of his grip. “Here, I’ll get up-”


“Nah.” Jack tugged on her wrist again and she fell back onto his chest with another involuntary. “I like it down here. Besides, this is your punishment for laughing at me.”


“Jack it’s freezing!” She protested, pushing off the ground with her free hand, but it was no use; Jack’s hold was too tight.


“We’ll be fine, Ice Queen!” He replied with what was almost a smug smile. “You know the cold is good for your health.”




-two days later-


“You’re an idiot.” Elsa sighed as she put down the soup spoon and handed Jack a tissue from a box on his bedside table. The boy himself grinned and gave a chuckle, which soon turned into a hacking cough. Elsa sighed and pulled up a third blanket from where it had been folded over at the end of the bed.


Looking up, Jack sniffed and grinned again, before giving a nasally reply.

“But you love me.”

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