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"Hey john, have you seen my guitar anywhere?" Mark asked johnny while looking for his guitar spotting it in a lonley corner in Johnny's room. "Yes, you left it here the other day, I thought you would've remembered." johnny responded as he came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Mark stared and blushed. "Hey Mor-" johnny said as a bright red faced mark runs out of the room. "-k, well then." a dumbfounded johnny stood in confusion hearing his apartment door slam.

As soon as mark got home,and into his room he put his guitar on his stand and threw himself on his bed, still thinking about what just happened, why he was feeling like he was. "John FuCkInG Seo, what's this feeling?" mark said in a confused voice.

~~time skip~~

"Good morning markie~ " Haechan said while knocking and entering marks room."morning hyuckie, come lay down." hyuck listened to mark as he ranted about johnny."Hey mark can I ask you something?" haechan interrupted mark."go on." "so I have been crushing on this really cute guy but I just don't know how to tell him,from what I can see he might not even like me." 'he likes someone' mark said inside his head, repeating the same words over and over.the thoughts of johnny came back.
"mark are you okay?" "yeah, u-um well you should tell tell him how you feel. you know i'll always be here for you hyuckie, yoυ're my brother." "Thank you мarĸ, ѕarangнae."

Haechan's pov~

нey, can we υм
нey, can w|
нey, c|
Jun, can we мayвe мeeт υp, мy place?

Yeah,i'll go when im done eating.

✨full sun
oĸay~ ѕee yoυ ιn a вιт

3:16 pm

donghyuck was freaking out. 'thank goodness everyone was hanging out with their friends' or so he thought.

~°time skip°~

marks pov°°
He hears the doorbell ding. he stays in his room knowing haechan was here.

🐢johnny hyung
hey mork can we hang out today?
I have nothing to do and I was wondering something.

um, sure.
You can come over in a few, donghyuck is with a friend, I think.

🐢johnny hyung
ok ill be over in 30.

Mark started to panic, remembering the events that occured at his house last night.He then went out of his room past Haechan's room and heard talking. "jun, can we talk?"haechan said with a scared tone. "About?" Renjun responded "jun, I like you". silence was heard.
    Mark quickly ran into his room quietly. he waited and waited for what felt like hours. He hears footsteps going out of haechan's room and and not so quiet sobs, he then hears the front door open and close. Mark runs into haechans room and gives him a big hug. "hyuck, I heard you talk to renjun and heard you confe-,
"Mark why is it always me?" Hyuck said crying into marks arms. Mark hated seeing him like that, he took out his phone and texted johnny.

нey joнn are yoυ alмoѕт нere?
ι need нelp wιтн нaecнan.

🐢joнnny нyυng
ιм нere, ιll go ιnѕιde now.

Mark heard the front door open and close. He suddenly felt nervous? confused?.
Haechan still in marks embrace, johnny comes in.

"Come on children, we are going to buy ice cream and movies!" johnny exclaimed as he gave mark a handshake and a sobbing hyuck a hug. They all left the house and went to the store.
°time skip°
The three boys were watching 'sprited away' while eating their tub of ice cream.(yes a tub). They heard the door open. Taeyong was home and suddenly sat down next to donghyuck.

     "hey hyuckie, mark and johnny." taeyong said as he started getting a spoonful of ice cream from haechan's ice cream tub. "hey" all three boys said all together."im going to sleep, come on hyuckie, let's go." Hyuck and Ty left, leaving the two boys alone.
"Mark,can we cuddle?"

Im tired, id rather go to school than do so many assignments. Its so stressful. Anyways~ I hoped you liked it
add me on ig: ѕoғтιeĸpopgreg!



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