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Recap: Johnny basically broke in into marks house then Mark went on a failed date with sicheng. He ran off and called the mystery person.
⚠⚠⚠-not proofread!
Also stream the vid^^ its rly good!

Mark's POV:
A few minutes later I saw a car and thought it was the person I called. Luckily it was. I opened the door and met with Jeno's eyes. "What happened? And why are you basically in the middle of the forest?" he asked while driving us back home.

"W-well long story, but um, I like johnny and well I tried to get over him but I can't." I said while looking at him staring the road in front of him. "mhm,ok , is that all?" He responded. "Well u-um no actually I don't like him…because I love him."

Jeno stoped the car rapidly which made me go back and forth on my seat." YAH! Why'd you brake like that Jen!" I screamed and noticed he was facing me with a shocked face."Hyung, are you sure." The way he said it made me feel suspicious. He could've asked me if I was alright but no…'ugh why me' I thought as he started driving again taking glances at me. "And yes jen, im sure. Plus I guess he likes me back?"

Jeno stares at me. He looked sorry for me and it just made me more confused. "U-um why are you staring at me like that Jen?" "You don't know huh?" He said while pulled over near a bench close to the mountain hills where the scenery of the city was shown.

"While you were gone, A lot of shit went down…Johnny was gone, he would have a new girl everyday and do 'It' with them. Hyung, I don't think he likes you" "What do you mean? He for sure like me, he went and told me before my date with sicheng."

"Sicheng? As in winwin?" "uhh yes, why?" 'holy chet, this night keeps getting weirder and weirder.' "Well i was really good friends with him on roblox" "Really jen, on roblox?" (a/n, he had the -.- face)

"Yeah, heh" "Well okay back to johnny, I need you to take me to his house now." And with that we drove off to our destination Johnny's house. My plan when I get to his house is to confront him and tell him that I love him and want to be with him.

♪"So, let go of my hand and you'll know"♪

Soon we pulled up, luckily his car was there. I ran out the car and went inside the house with out knocking. I heard a few noises upstairs and thought it must've been johnny. I went and checked what was going on upstairs what I saw was something I could never un-see. There was johnny hovered on top of a girl who was half naked. Unlike johnny who only had boxers on. "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL JoHnNy, -I really came all the way here to tell you I like you and see you over some chick. UnBeLiVaBE!!" I soon ran out only to hear johnny screaming "ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK"

♪"the things we hold on to will show~"♪

And there I was sobbing in jeno's car. Making jeno stare at me in those eyes I hated seeing, those sorrowful eyes someone would make when they felt sorry for them. "Jen, lets go to a club" "mark, I can't right now I have a movie date with jaemin right now but I can drop you off and then pick you up" " Yeah sure whatever" I responded pulling out my phone texting my friends to come with me but everyone declined the offer so it would just be me and my broken heart.

♪"I said they never were ours~"♪

The memories of me and johnny came flooding in, which made me break down more. Thankfully I was at the club and it was full of people so no one would either care or see me cry. I really hated this feeling of being heart broken, I once felt this pain years back in the beginning of high school, now I'm in collage and felt the same pain today, made by a really close friend, someone who I've started to like more then a friend and developed a word called 'love' for him.

♪"this is what tears me apart"♪

A couple drinks later I became a little tipsy, not exactly drunk but almost there, so I decided to drink a bit more before I saw someone approach me. "Hey hottie" "Oh he-eyyy" "how've you been?" "sorey dwo I know y-ou"
"Oh yes, its me Yuta" "Oh the rea-lly hawt dUdE" "I guess, any who, I saw you here and was wondering if you would like to come over again" " WhY tHe HewLl nawt" We soon left to Yuta's house. We were half way to his house when I passed out because of how intoxicated I was. The last thing I remembered was being carried into a dark room and feeling hands on me.

"Hi daddy!" said the little kid running up to me. "Hi?" i didn't know how to respond so I went along with it. "Daddy john said that he's going away to far far away...is it true daddy?" The kid now has sad eyes.

I feel someone shake me. I noticed that it was nothing but a simple dream, although it felt to real. What was the meaning behind this. I get up to what was shaking me and noticed johnny shaking my leg. "Let me explain".

(a/n)-That's all for this week! Anyways this book is going okay. Anyways Nct's punch m/v is coming out soon! pretty soon actually can't wait and also taeil's red hair was a wig? TF! Thats proved that my whole life is a lie😔 NEways! bye for now!


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