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"It feels wrong liking him."

"Are you ever gonna tell him?" "i don't know yet" is all that came out of marks mouth. "hyung,can um, y-you maybe drop me off at juns?" mark looked over at the younger. "are y-you sure? i mean you were crying because of him yesterday,and -." "hyung trust me, i want to make things right between me and him, i-i messed up." "

Mark then dropped off Haechan at renjuns. "thank you hyung ill text you" "okay, bye!"

🐢johnny hyung
hey, mark can i come over again?

yeah, taeyong hyung is there is it okay if you go there first
i have something to do rn

🐢johnny hyung
okay,ill be at your place in 5.

Mark then leaves renjuns parking lot and planned to go target.

hey, doyoung wanna come with me to target?
ill pay for your things.

but um taeil is with me, can he maybe go too?

ill pick you guys up
send me the address.

were at xxx
we'll meet you in the parking lot

mark then put down his phone and drove to where they were. He saw taeil and doyoung, they ended up sitting together in the back, holding hands being all lovely dovley. (a/n:lovely lovely lovely -pjm)

"I want to poke my eyes out" mark simply said. "shut up and stope being so jealous, you invited us now let's go" doyoung answered back. "mark,you need to find a boyfriend...how about johnny?" mark blushed at what taeil just told him "oooh look babe, the poor boy is blushing" doyoung teased."s-stop guys" is all mark said blushing even harder. "okay let's go, we're here either way" doyoung stated

They went inside the store and started looking around. its was a quiet walk, mark in front of doil (a/n if you didn't know doil is doyoung and taeil). "I need to do the bathroom,ill be back" mark then interrupted the kissing pair. "okay, don't wander off after. we'll be here"taeil said and went back to shopping hand in hand with doyoung. "alright" mark responded

Mark didn't go to the washroom, he instead went to the 'special' section. The one and only section that everyone can't avoid to have a couple times with a special(a/n - not so special but still someone)someone.He gets a few 'special' things and goes back to where doyoung and taeil were, they were gone. *ding* he gets a message.

hey me and taeil went home and we paid for the things we got.
somethings came up, sorry markie. take care.


🐢johnny hyung
hey mark, can you hurry, im in the mood to watch a movie with you and taeyong won't stop talking about Jaehyun.

yeah, im at the store rn.


hey hyung, um can you maybe pick me up now?
also jeno is here ,so us?


markie hyung
yeah, ill be right there.


🐢johnny hyung

ill be right there, i have to pick up haechan and jeno.

mark soon makes his way to renjun's house. when he gets there he see's a sobbing Haechan and a consoling jeno hugging him. The two boys get in and marks drives. there it is again. the awkward silence. (a/n- awkward silence-skz cue!)

when we get to the house haechan run inside making the door slam. jeno helps mark get his bags but mark stops him. "jen, what happened?" "i don't know, i just got there with jaemin and haechan ran out crying". "oh,okay" mark then gives jeno a bag full of things they would need.Mark didn't really trust what jeno said. he then took the bag with the 'special' items. Mark goes inside to a desperate johnny. "Do you know how long i've been waiting for?"

okay that's it for today.
the next chapter will have haechan's side of the story and what happened.
okay bye now~


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