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"Taeyong...i-i like m-mark".


not proofread


"wait,WHAT" taeyong looked surprised. Tae saw how johnny was playing with his fingers. "So you're telling me...you like mark" tae asked johnny. "I think so... I kinda started developing some feelings but im still not completely sure.

"Listen here kid" taeyong pulled john closer to where johnny felt taeyong breathing down his neck. "i want you to figure out your shit first and then come to me when you are sure you like my brother" taeyong soon let go of johnny. "O-okay hyung" is all johnny could say.

He was freaked out but kinda hurt that mark left him alone. Johnny drove home and laid on his bed, memories of him and mark flooding in like a tsunami. johnny felt water dripping down on his side of his face, he was crying.

johnny wasn't known for crying but deep down he was really sensitive. He missed the boy and didn't want their friendship to end like that.

Mark Pov:
(5 days later)

"mark lets go somewhere" ten said as he got off the sofa. " I don't want to do anything hyung" mark said still laying down on the sofa, stuffing food in his mouth. "nope i gave you no choice. You sir…is coming with moi" ten said as he dragged mark into his room choosing an outfit for mark.

Ten pulled out black ripped jeans, a white shirt with a pair of black vans. 'Wow,he looks hot' ten thought as mark came out with the outfit. "now my turn…come on" ten said pulling mark into his room. Ten pulled out blue ripped jeans, a black shirt with a checked flannel and a pair of black high top converse.

Ten then pulled mark outside if his door and into tens car. "wait ten…where the hell are we going" I said putting on my seatbelt. "you'll see" ten said as he smirked.

A few minutes later ten parks and mark looks up. 'neo culture tech gay strip club' "what are we doing here ten" "well markie, we came here to have fun and for you to get over that little johnny boy…tae told me what happened. so we came here to have fun" i was shocked but still followed ten inside.

There were a bunch of hot dudes everywhere. Ten was already hitting it off with a dude who came up to us a few minutes ago. I decided to go to the bar and sit on the stools. "A margarita please" I said. I didn't notice the guy coning at me sitting down next to me.

"hey hottie" "oh hey"i responded. "the names Yuta, what's yours" he said already smirking at me. "Mark, are you willing to pay for my drinks" I said casually. The dude wasn't so bad looking. The things that stood out the most from his was his eyebrow slit, his rings on his hands, his piercing on his eyebrow was the thing that brought out the most.

"Well now that you asked…yes im willing to pay for your drinks" "his drinks are on my tab" yuta said as the waiter nodded his head in respond. "so you wanna dance with me, yuta" I touched his thigh. 'He had really nice thighs' mark thought liking the feeling in his hands. "let's go then" yuta said pulling mark to the dance floor.

Yuta's hands were all over marks body. their body's were inches apart but touched when people made mark bump into Yuta. When mark would bump into Yuta, he would feel a really nice sensation on yuta's stomach. Abs. Things started to get escalated and soon enough marks lips were on yuta's soft ones.

The kiss started to get more needy by the second. "How about we finish this at my place" Yuta said while mark nodded his head in agreement. Mark sent ten a message.

Hyung, i won't be going home tonight;)


Mark, I didn't mean get laid tonight

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Mark, I didn't mean get laid tonight. but tell me how it goes;)
Also text me the addy so i would know where you are at.

Yes sir.

**things get heated up here so skip if you want**
Once the got out of the car they started making out again. Yuta reached the dooor handle while a clingy mark kissed his neck. Yuta moaned. When they got inside the house, yuta places mark on the sofa, while he hovered over mark.

Yuta started unbuttoning marks shirt leaving kisses behind, there were places were he left a live bite. Mark moaned as yuta pushed his leg onto marks crotch. They soon switched places and now mark was on his knees and yuta sitting on the sofa.

Mark started unbuttoning yuta's pants pulling then off, now both of them were left in their boxers. Mark pulled down yutas underwear and his member sprang up. Mark put the membered tip in his mouth "mhm~" yuta moaned "stop teasinnf" mark suddenly put the the member in his mouth.

Making yuta pull marks head down and moving his hips up. Mark started gagging but soon got used to the size in his mouth. yuta then came inside marks mouth and mark swallowed. The older then pulled mark up and turned him around.

Mark was on all fours now, mark felt something at his entrance. He soon felt pain and noticed yuta had one finger inside him, yuta started putting another finger once mark got used to the first finger.

"please" is all mark could say. "please what" yuta responded smirking. "Please, i want you in me" mark pleaded. yuta then put his member inside mark and mark cried out. Once mark got adjusted to yuta's size he told yuta to continue. "f-faster" mark moaned.

Yuta did as mark told him. "Im g-gonna c-cmmf" "Not yet" yuta said as he picked up the pace. Yuta the  soon released ibside mark and mark came a few seconds later. both boys soon cleaned up after themselves and laid down on yutas bed and fell into deep sleep.**end of scene**

~time skip morning~

"Good morning" yuta said as he came in with breakfast in his hands and handing it over to mark. Mark sat up and soon got a pain on his lower back. Yuta saw mark wincing(a/n - i dont know how to spell that word and i layed down writing it many ways:|.) in pain.

"Does it hurt bad, must've gone to hard in you" yuta said smirking at a blushing mark. "by the way, i added myself to you contacts just call me whenever, maybe we can get to know each other better" yuta said as mark nodded

Mark finished his breakfast, got ready and said bye. As he got out of the house he didn't believe what he saw in front of his eyes. "Hey mark" johnny stood there smirking.

Sorry for the long chapter!Also,what are some good shows to watch? I need recommendations!
add me on insta:
bye now~



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