Chapter 1

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T W O    Y E A R S    L A T E R

A T L A N T A , G A


I sat in the back seat of Alaric's suv while my older sister, Hope, sat up front next to our Headmaster. "So...Oliver. How's being 17 year old teenager going?" Alaric asked. "Uh...Good. I guess." I answered putting my head between the two seats up front. "So Dr. Salt Man. You gonna give Dad the position for History of Supernaturals Professor? He's the most qualified." I stated. "Okay. One, stop calling me that. You've known me for two years, now. It's Dr. Saltzman." Alaric said. I smirked at his reaction. Ever since I first met him I called him Salt Man. Why? Because it annoyed him. Also, at the time, I didn't know how to say it so. "I know. I only say it to annoy you." I answered. "So...about that the job." I added . "The last thing this school needs is to have the Upgraded Original Chimera as the History of Supernaturals professor." Alaric said. "Come on! Is it really that bad to have a Mikaelson inside the walls of this school? You already have two roaming the halls." I said rolling my eyes annoyed at his stubbornness. "Yeah...two Mikaelsons that aren't possessed by a psychotic fox demon that loves both pain and chaos. Oh...and don't happen to be the most infamous Ripper of all time." Alaric pointed out. "It could be worse. It could be Klaus. And I know for a fact...that you hate Klaus more than you dislike Dad." I countered. Alaric looked back at me. "Also...would it be so bad to know that you have the most powerful Mikaelson protecting your school?" Hope asked. "It's not. But you know what puts me at ease? Having him as far away from the school as possible.But not far enough to where he's not easily accessible when needed." Alaric explained. "So...what you're saying is...You'd much rather have my father as your own personal school protector?" I asked with a raised brow. "Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying." Alaric said. "Then...why don't you just let him stay at the school?" I pestered squinting my eyes. "Oliver. Your dad can't stay at the school. Alright? He's too much of a safety risk for the students. Everywhere he goes--" Alaric started. "Go ahead...finish it. Everywhere he goes what?" I asked my face morphing into a glare. "Death and destruction follow." Alaric finished. "And there it is." I stated looking out the window of the suv.

Alaric pulled up to a church and the three of them got out. "You're more paranoid than Uncle Niklaus. And that's saying something because he happens to be the most paranoid person on the planet." I explained walking to the church looking at Alaric. "Well, forgive me for wanting to protect the lives of my students." Alaric said going to the door with a crossbow. "Oh. That's great. Yeah...shoot the bad people. That's a wonderful idea." I said sarcastically. "This isn't for them." Alaric stated looking at me with a glare. "Landon." Hope said. I looked over to find the curly haired boy sitting on the steps. "Hope? Oliver?" Landon asked. "You three know each other?" Alaric asked us. "Long story." Hope said. "Is Rafael here?" I asked. I was answered with a scream and glass shattering from within the church. "Nevermind." I said. "Dr. Saltzman." Hope said. "Yeah, I'm on it." He said going to the door. Landon looked at me pointing his pen at the crossbow in Dr. Saltzman's hand. Alaric pulled on the door to find it was locked. "Doors are locked." He announced. "Thanks. Never would've known if you didn't tell us." I said sarcastically. "Dissera Portus!" Hope exclaimed. The doors flew open. Landon looked over at us with wide eyes. I walked passed him. "She's such a show-off." I told him walking into the church. "Hola!" I exclaimed waving my hands at the three people inside. They looked at me. Someone was writhing on the floor in the process of transforming. I looked at the woman and the man. I looked deeply into their eyes. "Want to tell me what you two are doing?" I asked my voice taking control over them. "He's possessed by a demon." The woman said. "What makes you say that?" I asked. "He has incredible strength!" The man said. "You are a very handsome man." The woman said. "Aw. Thank you." I said putting my hand to my chest. "Too bad, the two of you won't remember any of this when you wake up." I said flicking my wrist. They collapsed to the floor asleep. I looked over to see the exorcist unconscious on the floor mouthless. "My God." Landon said walking in watching Rafael transform. "Hey! Space Cadet! Get your ass over here!" Hope yelled to me. I looked at her walking over. "Who you calling 'Space Cadet'?" I said grabbing a metal stake and chain. I slammed it into the floor tethering the chain to Rafael's now wolfy back leg. Rafael was now a black wolf with glowing yellow eyes. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." Hope told me patting me on the back walking away. I stuck my tongue at her. I looked back at the snarling wolf in front of me. 

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