Chapter 5

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After dragging you into the park, you were led to a swing set. Sitting down you slowly set your bag on your lap.

"Is this true? Do you really love me? Or are you fucking with me?" You say confused and angry.

Kira drops his bag and sits on the swing next to you.

"It's true. I'd never lie to you." He laughs and starts swinging gleefully.

You rub your head and watch him as he swings higher in the air.

"Ok. Let's forget about the whole fact that you love me. You said that you could help me." You say gripping your bag tighter.

Kira lets out a whoop and suddenly stops the swing with his feet. Sand goes flying everywhere and you shut your eyes coughing.

"Oh oops sorry Y/N." He said reaching over and brushing off any sand on you.

You give a small shimmy and blink at him.

"Haha. You know you sure are cute." He says smiling his fingers lingering in your tousled hair.

You push his hand off and your bag goes falling into the sandpit.

"How can you help me Kira? Tell me or I'm going home!" You demand starting into his eyes.

He lets out a tiny sigh.

"Ok, see I've know Violet for years too." He says twisting his swing slightly.

You stare surprised and suspicious at him.

"Yeah I know surprising." He says nodding at your expression.

"Do you remember 6th grade? When two boys were sent to the hospital after the Novak twins went berserk?"

How could you forget.

You personally had not seen this, but the rumor was that the Novak twins had someone drive into two boys. After one of the boys confessed to Violet.

You nod and Kira smiles.

The playground was empty and nobody was anywhere near you both.

However it felt like you were both being watched even now.

You look around, sweating a bit.

"Don't worry. I don't think we're being watched. Anyways I was one of those boys." He said with a shrug.

You blinked in confusion.

"My friend Ben confessed to Violet the previous day. Next day we're walking home when a SUV goes barreling into us. I was in a coma for a week." He said suddenly sitting still and looking intensely at you.

"What about your friend?"

He shrugs slightly.

"Don't know. His family moved him away. I mean he survived but I lost my friend in another way."

Feeling a surge of guilt and sadness, You hold out your hand.

Kira looks surprised but gives you his left hand.

You both clasp hands in silence.

It wasn't that you didn't trust Kira. (Well you kind of didn't).

But you understood the pain. The isolation, and the loneliness. On top of that Kira had lost his friend.

"Y/N. After that incident, I found out about your situation with her.I figured you were suffering. And what luck when you came to this school. I want to help you. I've always wanted to help you." He said gripping your hand and frowning.

"Thank you Kira. I think it's the first time anybody has ever offered me help. Or any sympathy." You whisper not noticing the big tears dripping down.

Kira gets off his swing. He swoops in and hugs you.

His face in your neck and his left hand now in your hair.

You're both shocked but also too sad to even care.

You sob and let him hug you.

It was the first time you had felt such a loving hug from anyone.

Not even Violet had shown such affection to you.

Kira kisses your right cheek and let's go.

He gently wipes your tears and smiles.

"Y/N. When I first saw you, it was years ago. It was when Ben pointed Violet out. And there you were next to her. I remember thinking how sad you looked. Sad but so pretty." He said softly.

You look up at him as his tall figure blocked out the blinding sun.

"I've always loved you. I'm going to help you this time. I know her secrets and I know what needs to be done."

You sniff and stare at him.

"What do you mean. Secrets?"

Kira sighs and backs away a bit.

"Y/N. There's so much you don't know. So much I've found out. I don't know if you want to hear it all." He said solemnly as he crouches down.

You squint at him.

Your tears drying on your cheeks. Your heart hammering fast.

Kira stares at you.

"She's always hated you. She knows exactly what's going on. Ever wondered why she never let you go? Violet wants you to die."

You freeze.

You stare at him, your heart beating faster.

While this wasn't completely surprising to hear, it still didn't make sense.

"What?" This was all you could muster to say.

Kira stands up and pats his pants.

Before he could reply a ringtone calls out.

Kira reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a new looking IPhone.

He stares at the screen.

Wordlessly he turns the screen to you.

It was a text message from an unknown number.

All it said was two words.

"She's mine."

This was becoming more and more confusing.

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