Chapter 9

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William cocks the gun, a crazy smile on his face.

You were paralyzed with fear.

But you didn't want to die. Not yet.

A strange sense of bravery came over you. You had one shot.

You shot up and shove your shoulder into him.

He fumbles with the gun, that was all you needed.

You ran for your life.

Banging the bathroom door open and racing down the hallway.

You ran and ran not even caring where you were going.

Gasping and sweating as you ran, you couldn't think except to just escape.

Adrenaline was one hell of a thing.

After awhile you dash into a empty room.

It was the nurses office. Collapsing on the floor, you pant and wheeze.

Your heart was beating so fast and your legs were screaming in protest.

As your breath steadied you felt the tears coming. Large drops falling down your cheeks.

A gargled sob coming out and then a wail.

You hug yourself as you sob.

You were almost fucking shot.


Suddenly someone put their hand on your shoulder.

You screamed loudly, and covered yourself as a reflex.

"Y/N! Relax! It's just me!". Came a panicked sounding voice.

You lower your arms and see that it's Kira.

He looks at you alarmed and shocked. You launch yourself into his arms, sobbing nonstop into his chest.

He seemed to hesitate and then he embraced you.

Petting your back gently he tried to calm you down.

"What happened? Did someone try to attack you?"

You manage to calm down and nod.

Kira swore under his breath and his embrace got tighter.

You look up at Kira and croak our, "William. He nearly shot me in the girls bathroom."

Kira's eyes seemed to darken in anger and he takes a deep breath.

Pushing yourself off Kira, you wipe your cheeks.

"I-I don't know what to do Kira. I doubt I can tell the police or-or even the school. They never have believed me".

Kira stares at you a strange look on his face.

"Yeah his dad has everyone wrapped around his little finger. The police wouldn't be any help". He mutters.

You try to stand up, your legs nearly giving out.

"Hey. I doubt you can stand right now". Kira said reaching to you and picking you up bridal style.

You grab his neck in panic and stare up at him. The tears drying on your face.

He gives you a small smile.

"I'm taking you home. I don't think it's safe to be in school right now ok?"

You nod and then suddenly it occurred to you.

Your phone

You had left it in the girls bathroom.

Noticing your look of panic, Kira asks, "Did he try something else?"

You shake your head and say ,"My phone, I left it back there. I mean I only have 3 contacts on it but you are on of them".

Kira nearly smirks at this.

"Don't worry. He can't touch me. William isn't the only one who has connections and a rich daddy".

He nearly spits out the last word and starts walking out the door.


"Just don't worry. Try to relax. Nothing will happen to you or me".

You hesitantly nod and feel a wave of exhaustion come over you.

Your body was so tired and you could feel yourself almost blacking out.

The whole thing overdid  your body.

The hallways were empty, students stuck in their classes.

Kira carries you to your house the whole way.

His mind clouded and his expression frozen in a mysterious expression.

When he gets your house he pushes the front door open with his foot.

Arlo stands at the entrance, twirling a spare house key.

"I'm such a mind reader". He chuckles and follows Kira up the stairs.

Kira enters your room and lays you on your bed.

He takes off your shoes and covers you with the covers.

Arlo looks down at you.

"Did she fall asleep or faint?"

"She fell asleep. Arlo, give me your phone. I have a call to make". Kira nearly spits out in anger.

Arlo scrunches up his face.

"Why don't you ever have yours?" He whines but then relents when Kira glares at him.

Kira storms out of the room and Arlo hears him yell into the phone.

"I'm going to fucking kill you myself. Did I say you can touch her at school!"

Arlo whistles and takes another look at you.

You lay there relaxed and slightly sweaty.

"Y/N. You sure are a mess yourself. But I bet you would be even more of a mess if you knew the truth".

He exists your room and follows his brother.

That would be the last time. The last time you ever had an actual long sleep with no dreams.

After that day, things would get much worse. And very soon you were going to find out the very ugly truth. To your confusing and terrifying lie of a life.

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