Chapter 18

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The next morning, Kira walked in to the room, a tray filled with breakfast food on it.

He paused in delight, seeing that you were sitting up.

You had your legs sprawled in front of you .

Staring at your bandaged toes, and your cuts all over your legs.

"I brought your breakfast Y/N". He said cheerfully than nearly did a double take.

You looked at him, an extremely dark look in your pretty eyes.

The bruises were getting better but you still were wincing in pain.

It made Kira almost breathless and not in a good way either.

He gently set the tray down on your lap.

"After you eat I'll help you bathe. I'm sure y-you will feel better". He said his voice shaking.

Violet and Aiden barged into the room.

"I'm heree. I'll help you eat". Cooed Violet sitting next to Y/N on the bed.

Aiden sat on the side of the bed.

"Oh poor baby. Hey Kira, could you get her some strawberry milk? It's her favorite". Violet sneered at Kira obviously wanting him out of the room.

Aiden cocked his head.

"There's some in the mini fridge". He said towards Kira.

Kira clenched his fists but walked out.

He had barely slept last night. Even when Arlo had noisily come to stay he remained awake and ignored his brother.

He had been feeling so weird.

His heart constantly beating fast, his breath shallow.

When Kira returned to the room, he walked in too see milk and oatmeal spilled all over Y/N.

Violet was laughing, Aiden wasn't , he looked over at Kira with a strange look.

"Y/N is so clumsy. I keep trying to feed her and she just drops her food everywhere. Maybe she needs another nice punishment". Violet said a strange glint in her eyes.

"No". Snapped Kira glaring down at Violet.

She made a angry face then got up.

"Well fine, I'll go clean up myself. I'll see you later Y/N". She said pouting and walking out.

Aiden slowly followed her, but stopping to whisper in Kira's ear.

"Violet is going to end up killing her".

With that he was gone.

Kira sighed and quietly cleaned up the mess.

Y/N just sat there, blank and quiet,but she still had that strange look in her eyes.

Putting the tray aside on the dresser, Kira picked her up.

"I know you probably feel weird about it but I need to help clean you up". He mumbled as he carried her to the guest bathroom.

She kept quiet,not saying anything, not even anything about him seeing her naked.

It unnerved Kira, something was seriously off.

He cleaned her up,making sure to be gentle,then helped her dress.

Afterwards he carried her back to the bed.

She sat in a pretty white dress, the chest a little too low cut.

Swallowing Kira attached the chain to her right leg.

"I'm sorry" He said trying to look into her eyes but she just stared down at her lap.

Walking out of the room, he shut the door and then slid to the ground.

There was that strange fast hammering with his heart.

It was starting to hurt.


He peered up to see Aiden looking down at him.

Aiden looked nervous almost and was looking slightly out of it.


"We need to talk,it's about Y/N and Violet..please". He said almost pleading with the last word.

With a groan Kira got up and followed the nervous looking teenager to his room.

While that went on You were listening to a strange sound coming from outside.

It almost sounded like a motorcycle.

You could hear what sounded like Violet's yelling and an unknown voice.

You tried getting up but the chain was short, restricting you.

Sitting down, you thought to yourself,you had made notes about this house.

Even when Kira had been carrying you in.

You had figured out where the weapons were.

You had one chance.

One chance and you could kill these motherfuckers.

Kill them and finally be out of hell.

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